1. ⠚⠄ ⠩⠈⠃⠙ ⠍⠅⠹⠻⠇⠻-⠎⠱⠓⠻⠈⠞⠽⠅ ⠈⠏⠗⠱⠉⠻⠝ ⠅⠱⠇⠎⠌ ⠂⠜ ⠮⠗⠻ ⠚⠱⠓⠻ ⠧⠈⠗⠈⠞⠞⠝⠻⠍⠄ ⠈⠏⠗⠉⠇⠻⠞ ⠐⠗⠡⠻, ⠎⠄ ⠎⠱⠍⠱⠈⠝⠽⠞⠠ ⠞⠱⠓⠻ ⠧⠈⠗⠈⠞⠞⠝⠻⠍⠄ ⠇⠻⠨⠇ ⠚⠱⠽- ⠔⠙⠱⠓⠗⠼⠱⠈⠗⠹-
⠚⠄⠅⠗, ⠞⠄⠅⠗
⠞⠻⠝⠅⠗⠲(⠧⠅⠅⠈⠇⠏⠻⠅ ⠗⠃⠏⠄⠌ ⠈⠛⠗⠱⠈⠓⠽)
⠑⠡, ⠐⠗⠓⠻, ⠳⠲
2. ⠝⠻⠈⠍⠝⠇⠻⠨⠻⠞ ⠞⠻⠝ ⠈⠏⠗⠅⠱⠗⠅ ⠗⠃⠏ ⠧⠅⠈⠅⠇⠏⠻⠅⠞⠽⠱ ⠐⠗⠏⠝⠱⠌⠇ ⠚⠱⠽:⠘ ⠛⠄⠇, ⠘⠽ ⠛⠄⠇ ⠧⠱ ⠘⠳ ⠛⠄⠇⠲ ⠚⠱ ⠗⠓⠇ ⠐⠗⠡⠻, ⠚⠱⠽ ⠗⠓⠇ ⠐⠗⠡⠻, ⠚⠱⠳ ⠗⠓⠇ ⠐⠗⠡⠻⠲ ⠅⠗’ ⠛⠄⠇⠱⠓, ⠧⠱ ⠅⠗⠽ ⠛⠄⠇⠱⠓ ⠧⠱ ⠅⠗⠳ ⠛⠄⠇⠱⠓⠲
3. ⠈⠏⠗⠱⠉⠻⠝ ⠍⠅⠹⠻⠇⠻⠅ ‘⠈⠝⠓’ ⠈⠮⠧⠝⠻⠅ ⠈⠎⠹⠱⠝⠍⠄ ‘⠝’ ⠇⠻⠨⠇ ⠚⠱⠽ ⠎⠅⠅⠞ ⠐⠗⠡⠻ ⠽⠹⠱ ⠅⠓⠇⠝⠻ ⠧⠱ ⠅⠓⠇⠈⠝⠓⠻⠲
4. ‘⠑’ ⠞⠹⠱ ‘⠕’ ⠞⠞⠽ ⠇⠻⠨⠇ ⠚⠱⠽ ⠚⠞’ ⠈⠎⠏⠈⠯⠾⠞⠠ ‘⠐⠗⠜’ ⠞⠹⠱ ‘⠐⠗⠔’ ⠎⠙⠍⠩ ⠔⠈⠉⠉⠱⠗⠼ ⠜⠈⠯⠾ ⠓⠇⠲ ⠽⠹⠱- ⠙⠄⠨⠅⠞, ⠡⠇⠅⠅, ⠃⠉⠂, ⠡⠉⠅ ⠜⠈⠞⠽⠱⠙⠻⠲
5. ⠍⠅⠹⠻⠇⠻⠅ ⠝⠻⠈⠍⠝⠇⠻⠨⠻⠞ ⠩⠈⠃⠙ ⠳⠓⠻ ⠗⠃⠏⠄ ⠈⠏⠗⠽⠂⠈⠅⠞ ⠓⠇⠽⠞:⠚⠅⠓,⠎⠅⠓,⠜⠳⠓,⠌⠑⠓,⠇⠅⠓ ⠞⠹⠱ ⠙⠅⠓⠲
6. ⠈⠓⠈⠗⠈⠎⠧ ⠜⠅⠱⠗⠱⠊⠞ ⠩⠈⠃⠙⠍⠄ ‘⠜’ ⠅⠄ ⠇⠂⠈⠏⠞ ⠅⠗⠃ ⠎⠱⠍⠱⠈⠝⠽⠞⠠ ⠐⠗⠈⠛⠗⠱⠈⠓⠽ ⠹⠻⠅⠲ ⠽⠹⠱- ⠈⠛⠗⠱⠈⠓⠽ ⠙⠄⠨⠻ ⠂⠃⠓, ⠍⠱⠇⠻⠝⠻ ⠛⠄⠇⠻ (⠍⠝⠂⠈⠯⠽ ⠍⠱⠈⠞⠗⠍⠄)⠲
7. ⠈⠎⠧⠞⠊⠈⠞⠗ ⠈⠓⠗⠈⠎⠧ ‘⠳’ ⠧⠱ ‘⠽’ ⠈⠏⠗⠱⠉⠻⠝ ⠍⠅⠹⠻⠇⠻⠅ ⠔⠈⠙⠮⠗⠼ ⠂⠙⠻⠍⠄ ⠞⠌ ⠽⠹⠱⠧⠞ ⠗⠱⠨⠇ ⠚⠱⠽, ⠅⠻⠊⠞⠂ ⠂⠮⠂⠝⠻⠅ ⠈⠏⠗⠽⠇⠛⠍⠄ ⠧⠅⠅⠈⠇⠏⠻⠅ ⠗⠃⠏⠄⠌ ‘⠳’ ⠧⠱ ‘⠽’ ⠇⠻⠨⠇ ⠚⠱⠽⠲ ⠽⠹⠱:- ⠅⠽⠇ ⠧⠱ ⠅⠳⠇, ⠐⠗⠽⠇⠱⠓ ⠧⠱ ⠐⠗⠳⠇⠱⠓, ⠚⠱⠽ ⠧⠱ ⠚⠱⠳ ⠜⠈⠞⠽⠱⠙⠻⠲
8. ⠔⠈⠉⠉⠱⠗⠼⠍⠄ ⠙⠃ ⠈⠎⠧⠗⠅ ⠃⠻⠉ ⠚⠄ ‘⠽’ ⠈⠮⠧⠝⠻ ⠈⠎⠧⠞⠠ ⠂⠃⠻ ⠚⠱⠜⠞ ⠐⠗⠡⠻ ⠞⠅⠗⠱ ⠇⠄⠨⠍⠄ ⠈⠎⠹⠱⠝ ⠧⠅⠅⠈⠇⠏⠻⠅ ⠗⠃⠏⠄⠌ ⠙⠄⠇ ⠚⠱⠽⠲ ⠽⠹⠱- ⠮⠻⠂, ⠐⠗⠐⠻⠅⠂, ⠧⠻⠂⠓, ⠧⠱ ⠮⠻⠽⠱, ⠐⠗⠐⠻⠅⠽⠱, ⠃⠻⠽⠱⠓⠲
9. ⠎⠱⠝⠂⠝⠱⠎⠻⠅ ⠈⠎⠧⠞⠊⠈⠞⠗ ⠈⠎⠧⠗⠅ ⠈⠎⠹⠱⠝ ⠽⠹⠱⠎⠊⠘⠧ ‘⠒’ ⠇⠻⠨⠇ ⠚⠱⠽ ⠧⠱ ⠎⠱⠝⠂⠝⠱⠎⠻⠅ ⠈⠎⠧⠗⠲ ⠽⠹⠱:- ⠍⠅⠒⠱, ⠅⠝⠻⠒⠱, ⠅⠻⠗⠞⠝⠻⠒⠱ ⠧⠱ ⠍⠅⠂⠌, ⠅⠝⠻⠂⠌, ⠅⠻⠗⠞⠝⠻⠂⠌⠲
10. ⠅⠱⠗⠅⠅ ⠧⠻⠘⠈⠅⠈⠞⠞⠻⠅ ⠝⠻⠈⠍⠝⠇⠻⠨⠻⠞ ⠗⠃⠏ ⠈⠛⠗⠱⠈⠓⠽:-⠓⠱⠹⠅⠄⠌, ⠓⠱⠹⠎⠌, ⠓⠱⠹⠄⠌, ⠓⠱⠹⠅, ⠓⠱⠹⠍⠄⠲ ’⠍⠄’ ⠍⠄ ⠐⠗⠝⠂⠈⠎⠧⠱⠗ ⠎⠈⠗⠧⠹⠱ ⠈⠞⠽⠱⠈⠚⠽ ⠹⠻⠅⠲ ‘⠅’ ⠅ ⠧⠅⠅⠈⠇⠏⠻⠅ ⠗⠃⠏ ‘⠅⠄⠗’ ⠗⠱⠨⠇ ⠚⠱ ⠎⠅⠅⠞ ⠐⠗⠡⠻⠲
11. ⠏⠃⠈⠗⠧⠅⠱⠇⠻⠅ ⠈⠅⠗⠻⠽⠱⠏⠙⠅ ⠃⠱⠙ ‘⠅⠽’ ⠧⠱ ‘⠅⠳’ ⠐⠗⠈⠧⠽⠽ ⠧⠅⠅⠈⠇⠏⠻⠅ ⠗⠃⠏⠄⠌ ⠇⠛⠱⠌⠇ ⠚⠱ ⠎⠅⠅⠞ ⠐⠗⠡⠻⠲ ⠽⠹⠱:- ⠙⠄⠨⠻ ⠅⠽ ⠧⠱ ⠙⠄⠨⠻ ⠅⠳⠲
12. ⠍⠱⠌⠛, ⠘⠱⠌⠛ ⠂⠙⠻⠅ ⠈⠎⠹⠱⠝⠍⠄ ⠍⠱⠬, ⠘⠱⠬ ⠜⠈⠞⠽⠱⠙⠻ ⠇⠻⠨⠇ ⠚⠱⠽⠲
13. ⠐⠗⠈⠗⠈⠙⠮ ‘⠝’ ⠌ ⠐⠗⠈⠗⠈⠙⠮ ‘⠍’ ⠅ ⠃⠙⠇⠱ ⠐⠗⠝⠂⠎⠱⠗ ⠝⠓⠻ ⠇⠻⠨⠇ ⠚⠱⠽, ⠅⠻⠊⠞⠂ ⠡⠱⠏⠱⠅ ⠎⠂⠧⠻⠮⠱⠈⠗⠹ ⠐⠗⠈⠗⠈⠙⠮ ‘⠬’ , ‘⠒’, ⠞⠹⠱ ‘⠼’ ⠅ ⠃⠙⠇⠱ ⠐⠗⠝⠂⠈⠎⠧⠱⠗⠇ ⠇⠻⠨⠇ ⠚⠱ ⠎⠅⠅⠞ ⠐⠗⠡⠻⠲ ⠽⠹⠱:- ⠐⠗⠈⠬⠅, ⠧⠱ ⠐⠗⠊⠅, ⠐⠗⠈⠒⠉⠇ ⠧⠱ ⠐⠗⠊⠉⠇, ⠅⠈⠼⠺ ⠧⠱ ⠅⠊⠺⠲
14. ⠓⠇⠊⠞ ⠉⠻⠈⠓⠝ ⠝⠻⠽⠍⠞⠠ ⠇⠛⠱⠌⠇ ⠚⠱⠽, ⠅⠻⠊⠞⠂ ⠧⠻⠘⠈⠅⠞⠻⠅ ⠎⠊⠛ ⠐⠗⠅⠱⠗⠱⠊⠞ ⠈⠏⠗⠽⠇⠛ ⠅⠳⠇ ⠚⠱⠽⠲ ⠽⠹⠱:- ⠈⠩⠗⠻⠍⠱⠈⠝, ⠅⠻⠊⠞⠂ ⠈⠩⠗⠻⠍⠱⠝⠅⠲
15. ⠎⠘ ⠳⠅⠇ ⠅⠱⠗⠅ ⠉⠻⠈⠓⠝ ⠩⠈⠃⠙⠍⠄ ⠎⠾⠱ ⠅’ ⠇⠻⠨⠇ ⠚⠱⠽, ⠓⠾⠱ ⠅’ ⠝⠓⠻, ⠎⠊⠽⠂⠈⠅⠞ ⠧⠻⠘⠈⠅⠞⠻⠅ ⠓⠄⠞⠂ ⠖⠗⠱⠅ ⠇⠻⠨⠇ ⠚⠱⠽, ⠽⠹⠱ ⠣⠗ ⠏⠗⠅⠲
16. ⠐⠗⠝⠂⠝⠱⠎⠻⠅⠅⠄⠌ ⠉⠈⠝⠈⠙⠗⠃⠻⠈⠝⠙⠂ ⠈⠙⠧⠱⠗⠱ ⠈⠧⠽⠈⠅⠞ ⠅⠽⠇ ⠚⠱⠽⠲ ⠏⠗⠊⠞⠂ ⠍⠂⠈⠙⠗⠼⠅ ⠎⠂⠧⠻⠮⠱⠈⠗⠹ ⠓⠻ ⠎⠍⠱⠝ ⠚⠾⠻⠇ ⠍⠱⠈⠞⠗⠱ ⠏⠗ ⠐⠗⠝⠂⠈⠎⠧⠱⠗⠅ ⠈⠏⠗⠽⠇⠛ ⠉⠈⠝⠈⠙⠗⠃⠻⠈⠝⠙⠂⠅ ⠃⠙⠇⠱ ⠅⠽⠇ ⠚⠱ ⠎⠅⠅⠞ ⠐⠗⠡⠻⠲ ⠽⠹⠱- ⠓⠻⠌ ⠅⠄⠗ ⠃⠙⠇⠱ ⠓⠻⠊⠲
17. ⠏⠃⠈⠗⠼ ⠧⠻⠗⠱⠍ ⠏⠱⠎⠻⠎⠌ ( ⠲ ) ⠎⠃⠉⠻⠞ ⠅⠽⠇ ⠚⠱⠽⠲
18. ⠎⠍⠈⠎⠞ ⠏⠙ ⠎⠾⠱ ⠅’ ⠇⠻⠨⠇ ⠚⠱⠽, ⠧⠱ ⠓⠱⠜⠖⠄⠝⠎⠌ ⠚⠇⠫⠻ ⠅’ , ⠓⠾⠱ ⠅’ ⠝⠓⠻⠲
19. ⠇⠻⠐⠗ ⠞⠹⠱ ⠙⠻⠐⠗ ⠩⠈⠃⠙⠍⠄ ⠃⠻⠅⠱⠗⠻ (⠁) ⠝⠓⠻ ⠇⠛⠱⠌⠇ ⠚⠱⠽⠲
20. ⠐⠗⠊⠅ ⠙⠄⠧⠝⠱⠛⠗⠻ ⠗⠃⠏⠍⠄ ⠗⠱⠨⠇ ⠚⠱⠽⠲
21.⠅⠻⠡⠂ ⠈⠮⠧⠝⠻⠅ ⠇⠄⠇ ⠝⠧⠻⠝ ⠉⠻⠈⠝⠓ ⠃⠝⠃⠱⠌⠇ ⠚⠱⠽⠲ ⠚⠱' ⠊ ⠝⠓⠻ ⠃⠝⠇ ⠐⠗⠡⠻ ⠞⠱⠃⠞ ⠳⠓⠻ ⠙⠂⠝⠃ ⠈⠮⠧⠝⠻⠅ ⠃⠙⠇⠱ ⠏⠃⠈⠗⠧⠧⠈⠞ ⠐⠗⠽/ ⠂⠽/ ⠐⠗⠳/ ⠂⠳/ ⠂⠌/ ⠐⠗⠌ ⠇⠻⠨⠇ ⠚⠱⠽⠲ ⠂⠅⠻ ऎ ⠧⠱ ऒ ⠎⠌ ⠈⠧⠽⠈⠅⠞ ⠅⠳⠇ ⠚⠱⠽⠲
⠓./- ⠛⠇⠧⠻⠈⠝⠙ ⠴⠱ ११/८/७६ ⠈⠩⠗⠻⠅⠱⠈⠝⠞ ⠺⠱⠅⠂⠗ ११/८/७६ ⠎⠂⠗⠄⠈⠝⠈⠙⠗ ⠴⠱ "⠎⠂⠍⠝" ११/०८/७६
Krishna Yadav said...
manak shaili aa panji dunu nik
Reply05/05/2009 at 06:07 PM
preeti said...
manak maithili lel prayas stutya
Reply05/05/2009 at 02:04 PM
Anshumala Singh said...
Bhasha pak rachna lekhnak sabh samagri research based.
Reply05/05/2009 at 12:16 PM
aum said...
the dictionary, manak maithili, mithilakshar se devnagari pandulipik anuvad sabh nik lagal
Reply05/04/2009 at 08:33 PM
English Translation of Gajendra Thakur's Maithili Novel Sahasrabadhani translated into English by Smt. Jyoti Jha Chaudhary Gajendra Thakur (b. 1971) is the editor of Maithili ejournal “Videha” that can be viewed athttp://www.videha.co.in/ . His poem, story, novel, research articles, epic – all in Maithili language are lying scattered and is in print in single volume by the title“KurukShetram.” He can be reached at his email: ggajendra@airtelmail.in
Jyoti Jha Chaudhary, Date of Birth: December 30 1978,Place of Birth- Belhvar (Madhubani District), Education: Swami Vivekananda Middle School, Tisco Sakchi Girls High School, Mrs KMPM Inter College, IGNOU, ICWAI (COST ACCOUNTANCY); Residence- LONDON, UK; Father- Sh. Shubhankar Jha, Jamshedpur; Mother- Smt. Sudha Jha- Shivipatti. Jyoti received editor's choice award from www.poetry.comand her poems were featured in front page of www.poetrysoup.com for some period.She learnt Mithila Painting under Ms. Shveta Jha, Basera Institute, Jamshedpur and Fine Arts from Toolika, Sakchi, Jamshedpur (India). Her Mithila Paintings have been displayed by Ealing Art Group at Ealing Broadway, London.
The Comet
English Translation of Gajendra Thakur's Maithili Novel Sahasrabadhani translated into English by Smt. Jyoti Jha Chaudhary
“The funeral should be held near the place where his father funeral was done in the mango orchard”, elder brother ordered so the pyre was made according to his will.
“Look at his face! How pleasant! Does he look like dead?” Nand’s elder brother said. When Aaruni’s elder brother came forward to give flame to the pyre he became sentimental. His uncle consoled him. The body started diminishing in fire abolishing hope of return. All arrangement was held as if it was some festive occasion. Everything was done according to the instructions of the priest known as Mahapatra or Kantaha Brahmin. Gadura Puran was described in every evening. In this was the rituals of funeral were completed.
Either tranquil or extreme agitation! Aaruni Thakur was not well and was staying alone in the apartment adjacent to the woodland nursing home where he often used to think about those days of his student life when apart of studying he was habituated to analyse the past events. The unpleasant moments were disturbing him every now and then. He used to share his grieves with his well-wishers to reduce them. But that trick also stopped working then he started hiding his facts and started staying cut out from the society. His friends presumed that his problems were solved. Aaruni had been dreaming about horrible things from his childhood. He still remembered how he used to start sweating in midnight and his worried parents used to fan him. Father is born by grandfather then who has given birth to the grandfather? If God is creator of everyone then who has created him? People used to laugh at such curiosity of Aaruni but when he read books of philosophy then he came to know that many saints had dedicated their entire life in searching answers of such querries but they never got answered.
Anshumala Singh said...
We are amazed to see english translation of Sahasrabadhani-novel by Gajendra Thakur. The English translator has done enough justification in translating the novel in its true spirit. The translation is a lesson for linguists, it has grace of Indian English, it never compromises with the original theme.
Reply05/05/2009 at 12:28 PM
⠍⠓⠈⠞⠈⠞⠧⠏⠃⠈⠗⠼ ⠎⠃⠉⠝⠱ (१):⠍⠓⠈⠞⠈⠞⠧⠏⠃⠈⠗⠼ ⠎⠃⠉⠝⠱: ⠈⠩⠗⠻⠍⠱⠈⠝ ⠝⠉⠻⠅⠄⠞⠱⠚⠻⠅ ⠝⠱⠾⠅ "⠝⠇ ⠳⠊⠈⠾⠗⠻: ⠍⠱ ⠈⠏⠗⠧⠻⠩" ⠅⠄⠗ '⠧⠻⠙⠄⠓' ⠍⠄ ⠊-⠈⠏⠗⠅⠱⠩⠻⠞ ⠗⠃⠏ ⠙⠄⠨⠻ ⠅⠳ ⠳⠅⠗ ⠈⠏⠗⠻⠊⠾ ⠗⠃⠏⠍⠄ ⠈⠏⠗⠅⠱⠩⠝⠅ ⠇⠄⠇ '⠧⠻⠙⠄⠓' ⠅⠄⠗ ⠎⠍⠈⠅⠯ "⠈⠩⠗⠂⠞⠻ ⠈⠏⠗⠅⠱⠩⠝" ⠅⠄⠗ ⠈⠏⠗⠈⠎⠞⠱⠧ ⠂⠽⠇ ⠡⠇⠲ ⠈⠩⠗⠻ ⠝⠉⠻⠅⠄⠞⠱ ⠚⠻ ⠳⠅⠗ ⠈⠏⠗⠻⠊⠾ ⠗⠃⠏ ⠅⠗⠃⠱⠅ ⠈⠎⠧⠻⠅⠍⠞⠻ ⠙⠳ ⠙⠄⠇⠈⠝⠓⠻⠲ ⠈⠏⠗⠻⠊⠾ ⠎⠊⠈⠎⠅⠗⠼⠅ ⠧⠻⠧⠗⠼ ⠳⠓⠻ ⠏⠍⠈⠯⠺⠏⠗ ⠝⠻⠉⠱⠌⠍⠄⠲
⠍⠓⠈⠞⠈⠞⠧⠏⠃⠈⠗⠼ ⠎⠃⠉⠝⠱ (२): '⠧⠻⠙⠄⠓' ⠈⠙⠧⠱⠗⠱ ⠅⠳⠇ ⠛⠄⠇ ⠩⠇⠮⠅ ⠂⠮⠱⠗ ⠏⠗ १.⠍⠅⠹⠻⠇⠻-⠐⠗⠊⠈⠛⠗⠄⠚⠻ ⠩⠈⠃⠙ ⠅⠇⠩ २.⠐⠗⠊⠈⠛⠗⠄⠚⠻-⠍⠅⠹⠻⠇⠻ ⠩⠈⠃⠙ ⠅⠇⠩ ⠈⠩⠗⠂⠞⠻ ⠏⠈⠃⠇⠻⠅⠄⠩⠝ ⠈⠙⠧⠱⠗⠱ ⠈⠏⠗⠻⠈⠝⠾ ⠖⠭⠈⠗⠍⠍⠄ ⠈⠏⠗⠅⠱⠩⠻⠞ ⠅⠗⠃⠱⠅ ⠂⠈⠛⠗⠓ ⠈⠎⠧⠻⠅⠱⠗ ⠅⠳ ⠇⠄⠇ ⠛⠄⠇ ⠐⠗⠡⠻⠲ ⠎⠊⠈⠏⠗⠞⠻ ⠍⠅⠹⠻⠇⠻-⠐⠗⠊⠈⠛⠗⠄⠚⠻ ⠩⠈⠃⠙⠅⠇⠩-⠨⠈⠼⠫-I-XVI. ⠈⠏⠗⠅⠱⠩⠻⠞ ⠅⠳⠇ ⠚⠱ ⠗⠓⠇ ⠐⠗⠡⠻: ⠇⠄⠨⠅-⠛⠚⠄⠈⠝⠈⠙⠗ ⠺⠱⠅⠂⠗, ⠝⠱⠛⠄⠈⠝⠈⠙⠗ ⠅⠂⠍⠱⠗ ⠴⠱ ⠳⠧⠊ ⠏⠈⠒⠚⠻⠅⠱⠗ ⠧⠻⠈⠙⠽⠱⠝⠈⠝⠙ ⠴⠱, ⠙⠱⠍- ⠗⠂.५००/- ⠈⠏⠗⠞⠻ ⠨⠈⠼⠫ ⠲ Combined ISBN No.978-81-907729-2-1 e-mail: shruti.publication@shruti-publication.com website:http://www.shruti-publication.com
⠍⠓⠈⠞⠈⠞⠧⠏⠃⠈⠗⠼ ⠎⠃⠉⠝⠱:(३). ⠏⠈⠒⠚⠻-⠈⠏⠗⠃⠈⠝⠮ ⠧⠻⠙⠄⠓ ⠫⠱⠾⠱⠃⠄⠎ ⠍⠻⠹⠻⠇⠱⠈⠅⠯⠗⠎⠌ ⠙⠄⠧⠝⠱⠛⠗⠻ ⠏⠱⠈⠼⠫⠂⠇⠻⠏⠻ ⠇⠻⠈⠏⠽⠱⠈⠝⠞⠗⠼- ⠈⠩⠗⠂⠞⠻ ⠏⠈⠃⠇⠻⠅⠄⠩⠝ ⠈⠙⠧⠱⠗⠱ ⠈⠏⠗⠻⠈⠝⠾ ⠖⠭⠈⠗⠍⠍⠄ ⠈⠏⠗⠅⠱⠩⠻⠞ ⠅⠗⠃⠱⠅ ⠂⠈⠛⠗⠓ ⠈⠎⠧⠻⠅⠱⠗ ⠅⠳ ⠇⠄⠇ ⠛⠄⠇ ⠐⠗⠡⠻⠲ ⠏⠂⠈⠎⠞⠅-⠈⠏⠗⠱⠈⠏⠞⠻⠅ ⠧⠻⠮⠻⠅ ⠂ ⠏⠇⠹⠻⠅ ⠍⠃⠈⠇⠽⠅ ⠎⠃⠉⠝⠱ ⠳⠓⠻ ⠏⠍⠈⠯⠺ ⠏⠗ ⠩⠻⠈⠣⠗ ⠙⠄⠇ ⠚⠱⠽⠞⠲ ⠏⠈⠒⠚⠻-⠈⠏⠗⠃⠈⠝⠮ (⠩⠇⠮-⠎⠈⠍⠏⠱⠙⠝, ⠫⠻⠚⠻⠾⠇ ⠜⠍⠄⠚⠻⠊⠛ ⠂ ⠍⠻⠹⠻⠇⠱⠈⠅⠯⠗⠎⠌ ⠙⠄⠧⠝⠱⠛⠗⠻ ⠇⠻⠈⠏⠽⠱⠊⠞⠗⠼)- ⠞⠻⠝⠃ ⠏⠇⠹⠻⠅ ⠎⠊⠅⠇⠝-⠎⠈⠍⠏⠱⠙⠝-⠇⠻⠈⠏⠽⠱⠊⠞⠗⠼ ⠛⠚⠄⠈⠝⠈⠙⠗ ⠺⠱⠅⠂⠗, ⠝⠱⠛⠄⠈⠝⠈⠙⠗ ⠅⠂⠍⠱⠗ ⠴⠱ ⠳⠧⠊ ⠏⠈⠒⠚⠻⠅⠱⠗ ⠧⠻⠈⠙⠽⠱⠝⠈⠝⠙ ⠴⠱ ⠈⠙⠧⠱⠗⠱ ⠲
⠍⠓⠈⠞⠈⠞⠧⠏⠃⠈⠗⠼ ⠎⠃⠉⠝⠱:(४) '⠧⠻⠙⠄⠓' ⠈⠙⠧⠱⠗⠱ ⠮⠱⠗⠱⠧⠱⠓⠻⠅ ⠗⠃⠏⠄ ⠊-⠈⠏⠗⠅⠱⠩⠻⠞ ⠅⠳⠇ ⠚⠱' ⠗⠓⠇ ⠛⠚⠄⠈⠝⠈⠙⠗ ⠺⠱⠅⠂⠗⠅ '⠎⠓⠈⠎⠗⠃⠱⠿⠝⠻'(⠔⠏⠈⠝⠽⠱⠎), '⠛⠈⠇⠏-⠛⠂⠈⠉⠡'(⠅⠹⠱ ⠎⠊⠈⠛⠗⠓) , '⠘⠱⠇⠎⠗⠻' (⠏⠈⠙⠽ ⠎⠊⠈⠛⠗⠓), '⠃⠱⠇⠱⠝⠱⠊ ⠅⠍⠞⠄', '⠳⠅⠱⠈⠬⠅⠻ ⠎⠊⠈⠛⠗⠓', ⠈⠞⠧⠈⠒⠉⠱⠓⠈⠒⠉ ⠂ ⠐⠗⠎⠈⠒⠚⠱⠞⠻ ⠍⠝ (⠍⠓⠱⠅⠱⠈⠧⠽)⠂ '⠽⠱⠈⠞⠗⠱ ⠧⠍⠈⠞⠞⠱⠊⠞' ⠧⠻⠙⠄⠓⠍⠄ ⠎⠊⠏⠃⠈⠗⠼ ⠊-⠈⠏⠗⠅⠱⠩⠝⠅ ⠃⠱⠙ ⠈⠏⠗⠻⠊⠾ ⠖⠭⠈⠗⠍⠍⠄⠲ - ⠅⠂⠗⠂⠈⠅⠯⠄⠈⠞⠗⠈⠍–⠐⠗⠈⠝⠞⠈⠗⠍⠝⠅, ⠨⠈⠼⠫-१ ⠎⠌ ७ (⠇⠄⠨⠅⠅ ⠡⠻⠫⠻⠂⠽⠇ ⠏⠈⠙⠽, ⠔⠏⠈⠝⠽⠱⠎, ⠛⠈⠇⠏-⠅⠹⠱, ⠝⠱⠾⠅-⠳⠅⠱⠈⠬⠅⠻, ⠃⠱⠇⠱⠝⠱⠊ ⠅⠍⠞⠄, ⠍⠓⠱⠅⠱⠈⠧⠽, ⠩⠇⠮-⠝⠻⠃⠈⠝⠮ ⠂⠙⠻⠅ ⠎⠍⠈⠛⠗ ⠎⠊⠅⠇⠝)- ⠛⠚⠄⠈⠝⠈⠙⠗ ⠺⠱⠅⠂⠗
⠍⠓⠈⠞⠈⠞⠧⠏⠃⠈⠗⠼ ⠎⠃⠉⠝⠱ (५): "⠧⠻⠙⠄⠓" ⠅⠄⠗ २५⠍ ⠐⠗⠊⠅ १ ⠚⠝⠧⠗⠻ २००९, ⠈⠏⠗⠻⠊⠾ ⠎⠊⠈⠎⠅⠗⠼ ⠧⠻⠙⠄⠓-⠊-⠏⠈⠞⠗⠻⠅⠱⠅ ⠏⠓⠻⠇ २५ ⠐⠗⠊⠅⠅ ⠉⠂⠝⠇ ⠗⠉⠝⠱ ⠎⠈⠍⠍⠻⠇⠻⠞⠲ ⠧⠻⠧⠗⠼ ⠳⠓⠻ ⠏⠍⠈⠯⠺⠏⠗ ⠝⠻⠉⠱⠌⠍⠄⠲
⠍⠓⠈⠞⠈⠞⠧⠏⠃⠈⠗⠼ ⠎⠃⠉⠝⠱ (६):⠎⠃⠉⠝⠱: ⠧⠻⠙⠄⠓⠅ ⠍⠅⠹⠻⠇⠻-⠐⠗⠊⠈⠛⠗⠄⠚⠻ ⠂ ⠐⠗⠊⠈⠛⠗⠄⠚⠻ ⠍⠅⠹⠻⠇⠻ ⠅⠇⠯ (⠜⠊⠾⠗⠝⠄⠾⠏⠗ ⠏⠓⠻⠇ ⠃⠄⠗ ⠎⠈⠗⠉-⠫⠻⠈⠅⠩⠝⠗⠻) ⠳⠍.⠳⠎. ⠳⠎.⠈⠅⠽⠃.⠳⠇. ⠎⠈⠗⠧⠗ ⠂⠮⠱⠗⠻⠞ -Based on ms-sql server Maithili-English and English-Maithili Dictionary. ⠧⠻⠙⠄⠓⠅ ⠘⠱⠯⠱⠏⠱⠅- ⠗⠉⠝⠱⠇⠄⠨⠝ ⠈⠎⠞⠊⠘⠍⠄
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