भालसरिक गाछ/ विदेह- इन्टरनेट (अंतर्जाल) पर मैथिलीक पहिल उपस्थिति

भालसरिक गाछ/ विदेह- इन्टरनेट (अंतर्जाल) पर मैथिलीक पहिल उपस्थिति

(c) २०००-२०२२ सर्वाधिकार सुरक्षित। विदेहमे प्रकाशित सभटा रचना आ आर्काइवक सर्वाधिकार रचनाकार आ संग्रहकर्त्ताक लगमे छन्हि।  भालसरिक गाछ जे सन २००० सँ याहूसिटीजपर छल http://www.geocities.com/.../bhalsarik_gachh.html , http://www.geocities.com/ggajendra   आदि लिंकपर  आ अखनो ५ जुलाइ २००४ क पोस्ट http://gajendrathakur.blogspot.com/2004/07/bhalsarik-gachh.html   (किछु दिन लेल http://videha.com/2004/07/bhalsarik-gachh.html   लिंकपर, स्रोत wayback machine of https://web.archive.org/web/*/videha   258 capture(s) from 2004 to 2016- http://videha.com/  भालसरिक गाछ-प्रथम मैथिली ब्लॉग / मैथिली ब्लॉगक एग्रीगेटर) केर रूपमे इन्टरनेटपर  मैथिलीक प्राचीनतम उपस्थितक रूपमे विद्यमान अछि। ई मैथिलीक पहिल इंटरनेट पत्रिका थिक जकर नाम बादमे १ जनवरी २००८ सँ "विदेह" पड़लै। इंटरनेटपर मैथिलीक पहिल उपस्थितिक यात्रा विदेह- प्रथम मैथिली पाक्षिक ई पत्रिका धरि पहुँचल अछि, जे http://www.videha.co.in/   पर ई प्रकाशित होइत अछि। आब “भालसरिक गाछ” जालवृत्त 'विदेह' ई-पत्रिकाक प्रवक्ताक संग मैथिली भाषाक जालवृत्तक एग्रीगेटरक रूपमे प्रयुक्त भऽ रहल अछि। विदेह ई-पत्रिका ISSN 2229-547X VIDEHA


(c)२०००-२०२२. सर्वाधिकार लेखकाधीन आ जतऽ लेखकक नाम नै अछि ततऽ संपादकाधीन। विदेह- प्रथम मैथिली पाक्षिक ई-पत्रिका ISSN 2229-547X VIDEHA सम्पादक: गजेन्द्र ठाकुर। सह-सम्पादक: डॉ उमेश मंडल। सहायक सम्पादक: राम वि‍लास साहु, नन्द विलास राय, सन्दीप कुमार साफी आ मुन्नाजी (मनोज कुमार कर्ण)। सम्पादक- नाटक-रंगमंच-चलचित्र- बेचन ठाकुर। सम्पादक- सूचना-सम्पर्क-समाद- पूनम मंडल। सम्पादक -स्त्री कोना- इरा मल्लिक।

रचनाकार अपन मौलिक आ अप्रकाशित रचना (जकर मौलिकताक संपूर्ण उत्तरदायित्व लेखक गणक मध्य छन्हि) editorial.staff.videha@gmail.com केँ मेल अटैचमेण्टक रूपमेँ .doc, .docx, .rtf वा .txt फॉर्मेटमे पठा सकै छथि। एतऽ प्रकाशित रचना सभक कॉपीराइट लेखक/संग्रहकर्त्ता लोकनिक लगमे रहतन्हि,'विदेह' प्रथम मैथिली पाक्षिक ई पत्रिका मात्र एकर प्रथम प्रकाशनक/ प्रिंट-वेब आर्काइवक/ आर्काइवक अनुवादक आ आर्काइवक ई-प्रकाशन/ प्रिंट-प्रकाशनक अधिकार ऐ ई-पत्रिकाकेँ छै, आ से हानि-लाभ रहित आधारपर छै आ तैँ ऐ लेल कोनो रॊयल्टीक/ पारिश्रमिकक प्रावधान नै छै। तेँ रॉयल्टीक/ पारिश्रमिकक इच्छुक विदेहसँ नै जुड़थि, से आग्रह। रचनाक संग रचनाकार अपन संक्षिप्त परिचय आ अपन स्कैन कएल गेल फोटो पठेताह, से आशा करैत छी। रचनाक अंतमे टाइप रहय, जे ई रचना मौलिक अछि, आ पहिल प्रकाशनक हेतु विदेह (पाक्षिक) ई पत्रिकाकेँ देल जा रहल अछि। मेल प्राप्त होयबाक बाद यथासंभव शीघ्र ( सात दिनक भीतर) एकर प्रकाशनक अंकक सूचना देल जायत।  एहि ई पत्रिकाकेँ श्रीमति लक्ष्मी ठाकुर द्वारा मासक ०१ आ १५ तिथिकेँ ई प्रकाशित कएल जाइत अछि।

स्थायी स्तम्भ जेना मिथिला-रत्न, मिथिलाक खोज, विदेह पेटार आ सूचना-संपर्क-अन्वेषण सभ अंकमे समान अछि, ताहि हेतु ई सभ स्तम्भ सभ अंकमे नइ देल जाइत अछि, ई सभ स्तम्भ देखबा लेल क्लिक करू नीचाँ देल विदेहक 346म आ 347 म अंक, ऐ दुनू अंकमे सम्मिलित रूपेँ ई सभ स्तम्भ देल गेल अछि।

“विदेह” ई-पत्रिका: देवनागरी वर्सन

“विदेह” ई-पत्रिका: मिथिलाक्षर वर्सन

“विदेह” ई-पत्रिका: मैथिली-IPA वर्सन

“विदेह” ई-पत्रिका: मैथिली-ब्रेल वर्सन










VIDEHA:12:8:मैथिली : विदेह: पहिल बेर ब्रेलमे

13. ⠙⠄⠇⠨⠻⠈⠝⠓                                                 ⠙⠄⠇⠅⠻⠈⠝⠓, ⠙⠄⠇⠨⠻⠝

14. ⠙⠄⠨⠇⠈⠝⠓⠻                                                ⠙⠄⠨⠇⠝⠻/ ⠙⠄⠨⠇⠅⠈⠝⠓

15. ⠡⠹⠻⠈⠝⠓/ ⠡⠇⠈⠝⠓⠻                                      ⠡⠹⠻⠝/ ⠡⠇⠅⠝/ ⠡⠇⠝⠻

16. ⠉⠇⠅⠞/⠙⠅⠞                                                 ⠉⠇⠞⠻/⠙⠅⠞⠻

17. ⠳⠨⠝⠇                                                    ⠐⠗⠨⠝⠇

18. ⠃⠐⠻⠈⠝⠓⠻                                                     ⠃⠿⠈⠝⠓⠻

19. /⠌⠁(⠎⠈⠗⠧⠝⠱⠍)                                           

20.   (⠎⠊⠽⠇⠚⠅)                                               /⠌⠁

21. ⠖⠱⠌⠛⠻/⠖⠱⠈⠬⠛⠻                                                 ⠖⠱⠜⠊⠛/⠖⠱⠜⠬

22. ⠚⠄                                                        ⠚⠄/⠚⠄⠁

23. ⠝⠱-⠝⠂⠅⠂⠗                                                   ⠝⠱-⠝⠂⠅⠗

24. ⠅⠄⠇⠈⠝⠓⠻/⠅⠳⠇⠈⠝⠓⠻/⠅⠽⠇⠈⠝⠓⠻

25. ⠞⠨⠝ ⠞⠌                                                     ⠞⠨⠝⠞⠌

26. ⠚⠱ ⠗⠓⠇/⠚⠱⠽ ⠗⠓⠇/⠚⠱⠳ ⠗⠓⠇

27. ⠝⠻⠅⠇⠽/⠝⠻⠅⠇⠳ ⠇⠱⠛⠇  ⠃⠓⠗⠱⠽/⠃⠓⠗⠱⠳ ⠇⠱⠛⠇                                  ⠝⠻⠅⠇/⠃⠓⠗⠅ ⠇⠱⠛⠇

28. ⠌⠞⠽/⠚⠞⠽                                      ⠚⠞/⠌⠞/⠚⠞⠳/⠌⠞⠳

29. ⠅⠻ ⠖⠃ड़ ⠚⠄                                               ⠅⠻ ⠖⠃ड़ ⠚⠄

30. ⠚⠄                                                        ⠚⠄/⠚⠄⠁

31. ⠅⠃⠙⠻/⠽⠱⠙⠻(⠍⠇⠝ ⠏⠱⠗⠃)                                ⠅⠃⠜⠙/⠽⠱⠜⠙/⠅⠃⠙/⠽⠱⠙

32. ⠜⠓⠇/⠌⠓⠇                                   

33. ⠓⠌⠎⠳/⠓⠌⠎⠽                                                   ⠓⠌⠎

34. ⠝⠉ ⠂⠅⠻ ⠙⠎/⠝⠉ ⠅⠻⠊⠧⠱ ⠙⠎/⠝⠉ ⠧⠱ ⠙⠎

35. ⠎⠱⠎⠂-⠎⠎⠂⠗                                                   ⠎⠱⠎-⠎⠎⠂⠗

36. ⠡⠓/⠎⠱⠞                                                     /⠡⠠/⠎⠱⠞

37. ⠅⠻                                          ⠅⠻/⠅⠻⠁(⠙⠻⠈⠗⠣⠻⠅⠱⠗⠱⠈⠝⠞⠍⠄ ⠧⠈⠗⠚⠻⠞)

38. ⠚⠃⠱⠃                                                          ⠚⠧⠱⠃

39. ⠅⠗⠳⠞⠱⠓/⠅⠗⠽⠞⠱⠓                                                  ⠅⠗⠄⠞⠱⠓

40. ⠙⠇⠱⠝ ⠙⠻⠩⠻                                                    ⠙⠇⠱⠝ ⠙⠻⠩

41. ⠛⠄⠇⠱⠓                                                           ⠛⠳⠇⠱⠓/⠛⠽⠇⠱⠓

42. ⠅⠻⠡⠂ ⠂⠗                                                        ⠅⠻⠡⠂ ⠕⠗

43. ⠚⠱⠜⠞ ⠡⠇                                            ⠚⠱⠞⠻ ⠡⠇/⠚⠅⠞ ⠡⠇

44. ⠏⠓⠂⠌⠉⠻/⠘⠄⠾⠻ ⠚⠱⠜⠞ ⠡⠇                                  ⠏⠓⠂⠌⠉/⠘⠄⠾ ⠚⠱⠜⠞ ⠡⠇

45. ⠚⠃⠱⠝(⠽⠂⠧⠱)/⠚⠧⠱⠝(⠖⠉⠚⠻)

46. ⠇⠽/⠇⠳ /⠅⠁

47. /⠇⠁ ⠅⠽/⠅⠳

48. ⠳⠨⠝/⠐⠗⠨⠝⠄                                                    ⠐⠗⠨⠝/⠳⠨⠝⠄

49. ⠐⠗⠓⠻⠊⠅⠄⠌                                                            ⠐⠗⠓⠻⠌⠅⠄⠌

50. ⠛⠓⠻⠊⠗                                                            ⠛⠓⠻⠌⠗

51. ⠮⠱⠗ ⠏⠱⠗ ⠅⠄⠝⠱⠜                                     ⠮⠱⠗ ⠏⠱⠗ ⠅⠄⠝⠱⠽/⠅⠄⠝⠱⠳

52. ⠚⠄⠅⠱⠌                                                         ⠚⠄⠌⠅⠱⠌/⠚⠅⠱⠌

53. ⠞⠓⠻⠝⠱                                                        ⠞⠄⠓⠻⠝⠱

54. ⠳⠅⠗                                                         ⠐⠗⠅⠗

55. ⠃⠓⠻⠝⠔                                                     ⠃⠓⠝⠇⠜

56. ⠃⠓⠻⠝                                                        ⠃⠓⠻⠝⠻

57. ⠃⠓⠻⠝⠻-⠃⠓⠻⠝⠇⠜                                                 ⠃⠓⠻⠝-⠃⠓⠝⠔

58. ⠝⠓⠻/⠝⠅

59. ⠅⠗⠃⠱/⠅⠗⠃⠱⠽/⠅⠗⠃⠱⠳

60. /                                                       ⠞⠽/⠞⠳

61. ⠘⠱⠽                                                         ⠘⠅

62. ⠘⠱⠌⠽                                                                        

63. ⠽⠱⠧⠞                                                       ⠚⠱⠧⠞

64. ⠍⠱⠽                                                         ⠍⠅

65. ⠙⠄⠈⠝⠓⠻/⠙⠳⠈⠝⠓⠻/⠙⠽⠈⠝⠓⠻                                           ⠙⠈⠝⠓⠻/⠙⠅⠈⠝⠓⠻

66. / /⠙⠳

⠅⠻⠡⠂ ⠂⠗ ⠩⠈⠃⠙

⠍⠱⠝⠅ ⠍⠅⠹⠻⠇⠻_

⠞⠅⠱ ⠅⠳ ⠞⠅⠱⠽  ⠞⠅⠱⠳

⠏⠅⠗⠄ (on foot) ⠏⠳⠗⠄

⠞⠱⠓⠂⠍⠄  ⠞⠱⠓⠃⠍⠄


⠃⠚⠱ ⠅⠽/ ⠅⠳



⠙⠻⠝⠂⠅⠱ ⠙⠻⠝⠅⠱


⠛⠗⠃⠌⠇⠈⠝⠓⠻  ⠛⠗⠃⠄⠇⠈⠝⠓⠻

⠃⠱⠇⠂ ⠃⠱⠇⠃

⠉⠄⠈⠝⠓ ⠉⠻⠈⠝⠓(⠐⠗⠩⠂⠈⠙⠮)

⠚⠄         ⠚⠄

⠎⠄/ ⠅⠄     ⠎⠄/⠅⠄

⠳⠨⠂⠝⠅⠱     ⠐⠗⠨⠝⠂⠅⠱

⠘⠂⠍⠻⠓⠱⠗  ⠘⠃⠍⠻⠓⠱⠗

⠎⠂⠛⠗     ⠎⠃⠛⠗

⠴⠺⠓⠱⠅  ⠴⠾⠓⠱⠅


⠅⠗⠜⠽⠇/ ⠅⠗⠅⠽⠇

⠏⠂⠃⠱⠗⠻       ⠏⠂⠃⠱⠜

⠴⠛ड़-⠴⠱⠌⠾⠻   ⠴⠛ड़-⠴⠱⠌⠾⠻

⠏⠳⠗⠄-⠏⠳⠗⠄     ⠏⠅⠗⠄-⠏⠅⠗⠄

⠨⠄⠇⠳⠃⠱⠅     ⠨⠄⠇⠄⠃⠱⠅



⠓⠇⠳-  ⠓⠇

⠃⠂⠴⠇    ⠃⠃⠴⠇

⠃⠃⠴⠇ (⠎⠊⠃⠇⠮⠝ ⠐⠗⠈⠗⠹⠍⠄)

⠽⠅⠓   ⠽⠳⠓


⠐⠗⠽⠝⠱⠽- ⠐⠗⠽⠝⠱⠜

⠝⠻⠈⠝⠝-  ⠝⠻⠈⠝⠙

⠃⠻⠝⠂   ⠃⠻⠝

⠚⠱⠳  ⠚⠱⠜

⠚⠱⠜(in different sense)-last word of sentence

⠡⠞ ⠏⠗ ⠂⠃⠻ ⠚⠱⠜


⠨⠄⠇⠱⠳ (play) ⠨⠄⠇⠱⠜

⠩⠻⠅⠱⠜⠞- ⠩⠻⠅⠱⠽⠞

⠿⠏- ⠐⠻⠏

⠏⠐⠻- ⠏⠿

⠅⠝⠻⠳/ ⠅⠝⠻⠽⠄ ⠅⠝⠻⠒⠄

⠗⠱⠅⠎- ⠗⠱⠅⠩

⠓⠇⠳/ ⠓⠇⠽  ⠓⠇⠜

⠐⠗⠔⠗⠙⠱- ⠕⠗⠙⠱

⠃⠂⠴⠄⠇⠈⠝⠓⠻ (different meaning- got understand)

⠃⠂⠴⠳⠇⠈⠝⠓⠻/ ⠃⠂⠴⠽⠇⠈⠝⠓⠻ (understood himself)

⠉⠇⠻- ⠉⠇

⠨⠮⠱⠜- ⠨⠮⠱⠽

⠍⠇⠝ ⠏⠱ड़⠇⠨⠻⠈⠝⠓   ⠍⠇⠝ ⠏⠱⠗⠇⠨⠻⠈⠝⠓

⠅⠅⠅- ⠅⠳⠅- ⠅⠜⠳⠅



⠚⠗⠌⠝⠱⠜-  ⠚⠗⠳⠝⠱⠜/⠚⠗⠽⠝⠱⠜


ड़⠃⠄⠇⠈⠝⠓⠻/ ड़⠃⠌⠇⠈⠝⠓⠻

⠉⠻⠨⠅⠞- (to test)⠉⠻⠨⠜⠞

⠅⠗⠜⠽⠇(willing to do)  ⠅⠗⠅⠽⠇

⠚⠄⠅⠗⠱-  ⠚⠅⠗⠱

⠞⠅⠗⠱-  ⠞⠄⠅⠗⠱

⠃⠻⠙⠄⠎⠗ ⠈⠎⠹⠱⠝⠄⠍⠄/ ⠃⠻⠙⠄⠎⠗⠄ ⠈⠎⠹⠱⠝⠍⠄

⠅⠗⠃⠽⠇⠓⠂⠌/ ⠅⠗⠃⠳⠇⠓⠂⠌/⠅⠗⠃⠄⠇⠓⠂⠌

⠓⠱⠗⠻⠅ (⠔⠈⠉⠉⠱⠗⠼ ⠓⠱⠜⠗⠅)

⠌⠚⠝    ⠧⠚⠝

⠂⠮⠄ ⠘⠱⠛/ ⠂⠮-⠘⠱⠛⠄

⠏⠻⠉⠱/ ⠏⠻⠉⠱⠽/⠏⠻⠉⠱⠳

⠝⠒/ ⠝⠄

⠃⠈⠉⠉⠱ ⠝⠒ (⠝⠄) ⠏⠻⠉⠱ ⠚⠱⠽

⠞⠨⠝ ⠝⠄ (⠝⠒) ⠅⠓⠅⠞ ⠐⠗⠡⠻⠲

⠅⠞⠄⠅ ⠛⠇⠾⠄/ ⠅⠞⠱⠅ ⠛⠇⠾⠄

⠅⠍⠱⠜- ⠮⠍⠱⠜  ⠅⠍⠱⠊- ⠮⠍⠱⠊


⠨⠄⠇⠱⠜ (for playing)

⠡⠹⠻⠈⠝⠓  ⠡⠹⠻⠝

⠓⠇⠜⠞  ⠓⠇⠜

⠈⠅⠽⠇   ⠅⠻⠽⠇

⠅⠄⠩ (hair)

⠅⠄⠎  (court-case)

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The site near Darbhanga Railway Station, Harahi, meaning in Maithili language, the site of bones is still unclassified and unstudied. The study of primitive castes and tribes of Mithila may however be conducted. As early as the 5th century A. D. several tribes made up the Vajjian Confederacy one of the constituent was Lichhavis, for a long time they were considered as foreign stock Jyotirisvara's Varnaratnkara enumerates various other  tribes, namely, Tatama, Dhanukha, Goara, Khatbe, Amata.

The Brahmanas did not cross Sadanira. When Malhava reached the Sadanira he asked the Agni, where shall be his abode.  Agni replied that to the east of Sadanira. Agni did not burnt  the Paurava territory including  N. Panchala  and the Ayodhya as these were and they remained cultivated regions even in early times which is absurd. 1f it enshrines any historical truth, it might mean that the reformed Brahmanism passed from the Bharata Kingdom to Ayodhya and then to Vidcha.


Videha country  was following  Vedic culture long before the Brahmana age in the early Samhita age of the Rigveda. Yajurveda Samhita  mentions the cows of Videha as particularly famous in Ancient India.  In Brihadaranyaka Upanishad  Samrat Janaka is mentioned as a great  patron  of Vedic culture and the Videha  Brahmanas were superior to the Kuru Panchalas in the Upanishadic phase of the development of  Vedic culture. A  particular sacrificial rite fire adds, Gautama Rahugana is credited with the discovery of the Mitravinda sacrifice, further revived by Emperor Janaka, through Yajnavalkya.  Nami Sapya Vaideha Raja  performed  elaborate sacrifices and reached heaven,  the name of this King  appears in several passages in the Rigveda , e.g.,  Nami was the friend and associate of Indra in quarelling the Asura Namuci and in the fight with Namuci Indra protected Nami Sapya.


Maithila Raja learnt the science of fighting with mace from Duryodhana. When the centre of power shifted from the city of  Mithila  to the city of Vaisali  about 34 kms. north of Muzaffarpur, here the  Videhan princes  formed one of  the eight important clans of  Vajjian confederacy. 

During the age of  Mauryas  Mithila became subject to the suzerainty of Magadh but  Lichchhavis were not completely exterminated.  Their name ,however, is conscpicious by its absence at the Second Buddhist council held in c 377 B.C  or when Asoka installed an uninscribed pillar at this place  in 250 B.C.  But after two centuries from then Kautilya speaks about Sangha form of government  and advises King Chandra-gupta Maurya of Magadha to seek the help of these Sanghas which, on account of their unity and concord were almost unconquerable.

During  the age of  the Guptas the Lichchhavis appear to have possessed considerable political power in North East India. Chandragupta  has Lichehhavi wife Kumaradevi. Chandragupta II s son  Govindgupta  was  the governor appointed over the Province which came to be known as Tirabhukti. Excavations at Basarh,  the ancient site of Vaisali have yielded a hundred and twenty varieties of seals, and a variety of coins of the Gupta Age. The seals are  those of Officials, which were attached to the governors or chiefs of that district residing at Vaisali.  The number of seals  attached to letters sent by merchants and bankers, point to the large commercial transactions that were conducted in these days between the chiefs and important traders from Patliputra and other cities. It seems that a chamber of commerce like institution was in force.


 (c) २००८ ⠎⠈⠗⠧⠱⠮⠻⠅⠱⠗ ⠎⠂⠗⠈⠅⠯⠻⠞⠲ (c)२००८.⠎⠈⠗⠧⠱⠮⠻⠅⠱⠗ ⠇⠄⠨⠅⠱⠮⠻⠝ ⠂⠁ ⠚⠞⠽ ⠇⠄⠨⠅⠅ ⠝⠱⠍ ⠝⠓⠻ ⠐⠗⠡⠻ ⠞⠞⠽ ⠎⠊⠏⠱⠙⠅⠱⠮⠻⠝⠲

'⠧⠻⠙⠄⠓' (⠏⠱⠈⠅⠯⠻⠅) ⠎⠊⠏⠱⠙⠅- ⠛⠚⠄⠈⠝⠈⠙⠗ ⠺⠱⠅⠂⠗⠲ ⠳⠞⠽ ⠈⠏⠗⠅⠱⠩⠻⠞ ⠗⠉⠝⠱ ⠎⠘⠅ ⠅⠭⠏⠻⠗⠱⠜⠾ ⠇⠄⠨⠅/⠎⠊⠈⠛⠗⠓⠅⠈⠗⠈⠞⠞⠱ ⠇⠇⠅⠝⠻⠅ ⠇⠛⠍⠄ ⠗⠓⠞⠈⠝⠓⠻, ⠍⠱⠈⠞⠗ ⠳⠅⠗ ⠈⠏⠗⠹⠍ ⠈⠏⠗⠅⠱⠩⠝⠅/⠂⠈⠗⠅⠱⠜⠧⠅/⠐⠗⠊⠈⠛⠗⠄⠚⠻-⠎⠊⠈⠎⠅⠍⠞ ⠐⠗⠝⠂⠧⠱⠙⠅ ⠐⠗⠮⠻⠅⠱⠗ ⠳⠓⠻ ⠏⠈⠞⠗⠻⠅⠱⠅⠄⠌ ⠡⠅⠅⠲ ⠗⠉⠝⠱⠅⠱⠗ ⠐⠗⠏⠝ ⠍⠉⠇⠻⠅ ⠂⠁ ⠐⠗⠈⠏⠗⠅⠱⠩⠻⠞ ⠗⠉⠝⠱ (⠚⠅⠗ ⠍⠉⠇⠻⠅⠞⠱⠅ ⠎⠊⠏⠃⠈⠗⠼ ⠔⠈⠞⠞⠗⠙⠱⠽⠻⠈⠞⠧ ⠇⠄⠨⠅ ⠛⠼⠅ ⠍⠈⠮⠽ ⠡⠈⠝⠓⠻) ggajendra@yahoo.co.in ⠂⠅⠻ ggajendra@videha.co.in ⠅⠄⠌ ⠍⠄⠇ ⠐⠗⠾⠅⠉⠍⠄⠈⠼⠾⠅ ⠗⠃⠏⠍⠄⠌ .doc, .docx ⠂⠁ .txt ⠖⠭⠈⠗⠍⠄⠾⠍⠄ ⠏⠺⠱ ⠎⠅⠅⠞ ⠡⠹⠻⠲ ⠗⠉⠝⠱⠅ ⠎⠊⠛ ⠗⠉⠝⠱⠅⠱⠗ ⠐⠗⠏⠝ ⠎⠊⠈⠅⠯⠻⠈⠏⠞ ⠏⠗⠻⠉⠽ ⠂⠁ ⠐⠗⠏⠝ ⠈⠎⠅⠅⠝ ⠅⠳⠇ ⠛⠄⠇ ⠖⠇⠾⠇ ⠏⠺⠄⠞⠱⠓, ⠎⠄ ⠂⠩⠱ ⠅⠗⠅⠞ ⠡⠻⠲ ⠗⠉⠝⠱⠅ ⠐⠗⠊⠞⠍⠄ ⠾⠱⠜⠏ ⠗⠓⠽, ⠚⠄ ⠗⠉⠝⠱ ⠍⠉⠇⠻⠅ ⠐⠗⠡⠻, ⠂⠁ ⠏⠓⠻⠇ ⠈⠏⠗⠅⠱⠩⠝⠅ ⠓⠄⠞⠂ ⠧⠻⠙⠄⠓ (⠏⠱⠈⠅⠯⠻⠅) ⠏⠈⠞⠗⠻⠅⠱⠅⠄⠌ ⠙⠄⠇ ⠚⠱ ⠗⠓⠇ ⠐⠗⠡⠻⠲ ⠍⠄⠇ ⠈⠏⠗⠱⠈⠏⠞ ⠓⠇⠽⠃⠱⠅ ⠃⠱⠙ ⠽⠹⠱⠎⠊⠘⠧ ⠩⠻⠈⠣⠗ ( ⠎⠱⠞ ⠙⠻⠝⠅ ⠘⠻⠞⠗) ⠳⠅⠗ ⠈⠏⠗⠅⠱⠩⠝⠅ ⠐⠗⠊⠅⠅ ⠎⠃⠉⠝⠱ ⠙⠄⠇ ⠚⠱⠽⠞⠲ ⠳⠓⠻ ⠏⠈⠞⠗⠻⠅⠱⠅⠄⠌ ⠈⠩⠗⠻⠍⠞⠻ ⠇⠈⠅⠈⠯⠍⠻ ⠺⠱⠅⠂⠗ ⠈⠙⠧⠱⠗⠱ ⠍⠱⠎⠅ 1 ⠂⠁ 15 ⠞⠻⠹⠻⠅⠄⠌ ⠈⠏⠗⠅⠱⠩⠻⠞ ⠅⠳⠇ ⠚⠱⠜⠞ ⠐⠗⠡⠻⠲

⠗⠉⠝⠱⠅ ⠐⠗⠝⠂⠧⠱⠙ ' ⠏⠂⠝⠠ ⠈⠏⠗⠅⠱⠩⠝ ⠅⠻⠊⠧⠱ ⠂⠈⠗⠅⠱⠜⠧⠅ ⠔⠏⠽⠇⠛⠅ ⠐⠗⠮⠻⠅⠱⠗ ⠅⠻⠝⠃⠱⠅ ⠓⠄⠞⠂ ggajendra@videha.co.in ⠏⠗ ⠎⠊⠏⠈⠗⠅ ⠅⠗⠃⠲ ⠳⠓⠻ ⠎⠱⠜⠾⠅⠄⠌ ⠈⠏⠗⠻⠞⠻ ⠴⠱ ⠺⠱⠅⠂⠗, ⠍⠮⠃⠇⠻⠅⠱ ⠉⠉⠮⠗⠻ ' ⠗⠈⠩⠍⠻ ⠈⠏⠗⠻⠽⠱ ⠈⠙⠧⠱⠗⠱ ⠫⠻⠚⠱⠜⠝ ⠅⠳⠇ ⠛⠄⠇⠲



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