भालसरिक गाछ/ विदेह- इन्टरनेट (अंतर्जाल) पर मैथिलीक पहिल उपस्थिति

भालसरिक गाछ/ विदेह- इन्टरनेट (अंतर्जाल) पर मैथिलीक पहिल उपस्थिति

(c) २०००-२०२२ सर्वाधिकार सुरक्षित। विदेहमे प्रकाशित सभटा रचना आ आर्काइवक सर्वाधिकार रचनाकार आ संग्रहकर्त्ताक लगमे छन्हि।  भालसरिक गाछ जे सन २००० सँ याहूसिटीजपर छल http://www.geocities.com/.../bhalsarik_gachh.html , http://www.geocities.com/ggajendra   आदि लिंकपर  आ अखनो ५ जुलाइ २००४ क पोस्ट http://gajendrathakur.blogspot.com/2004/07/bhalsarik-gachh.html   (किछु दिन लेल http://videha.com/2004/07/bhalsarik-gachh.html   लिंकपर, स्रोत wayback machine of https://web.archive.org/web/*/videha   258 capture(s) from 2004 to 2016- http://videha.com/  भालसरिक गाछ-प्रथम मैथिली ब्लॉग / मैथिली ब्लॉगक एग्रीगेटर) केर रूपमे इन्टरनेटपर  मैथिलीक प्राचीनतम उपस्थितक रूपमे विद्यमान अछि। ई मैथिलीक पहिल इंटरनेट पत्रिका थिक जकर नाम बादमे १ जनवरी २००८ सँ "विदेह" पड़लै। इंटरनेटपर मैथिलीक पहिल उपस्थितिक यात्रा विदेह- प्रथम मैथिली पाक्षिक ई पत्रिका धरि पहुँचल अछि, जे http://www.videha.co.in/   पर ई प्रकाशित होइत अछि। आब “भालसरिक गाछ” जालवृत्त 'विदेह' ई-पत्रिकाक प्रवक्ताक संग मैथिली भाषाक जालवृत्तक एग्रीगेटरक रूपमे प्रयुक्त भऽ रहल अछि। विदेह ई-पत्रिका ISSN 2229-547X VIDEHA


(c)२०००-२०२२. सर्वाधिकार लेखकाधीन आ जतऽ लेखकक नाम नै अछि ततऽ संपादकाधीन। विदेह- प्रथम मैथिली पाक्षिक ई-पत्रिका ISSN 2229-547X VIDEHA सम्पादक: गजेन्द्र ठाकुर। सह-सम्पादक: डॉ उमेश मंडल। सहायक सम्पादक: राम वि‍लास साहु, नन्द विलास राय, सन्दीप कुमार साफी आ मुन्नाजी (मनोज कुमार कर्ण)। सम्पादक- नाटक-रंगमंच-चलचित्र- बेचन ठाकुर। सम्पादक- सूचना-सम्पर्क-समाद- पूनम मंडल। सम्पादक -स्त्री कोना- इरा मल्लिक।

रचनाकार अपन मौलिक आ अप्रकाशित रचना (जकर मौलिकताक संपूर्ण उत्तरदायित्व लेखक गणक मध्य छन्हि) editorial.staff.videha@gmail.com केँ मेल अटैचमेण्टक रूपमेँ .doc, .docx, .rtf वा .txt फॉर्मेटमे पठा सकै छथि। एतऽ प्रकाशित रचना सभक कॉपीराइट लेखक/संग्रहकर्त्ता लोकनिक लगमे रहतन्हि,'विदेह' प्रथम मैथिली पाक्षिक ई पत्रिका मात्र एकर प्रथम प्रकाशनक/ प्रिंट-वेब आर्काइवक/ आर्काइवक अनुवादक आ आर्काइवक ई-प्रकाशन/ प्रिंट-प्रकाशनक अधिकार ऐ ई-पत्रिकाकेँ छै, आ से हानि-लाभ रहित आधारपर छै आ तैँ ऐ लेल कोनो रॊयल्टीक/ पारिश्रमिकक प्रावधान नै छै। तेँ रॉयल्टीक/ पारिश्रमिकक इच्छुक विदेहसँ नै जुड़थि, से आग्रह। रचनाक संग रचनाकार अपन संक्षिप्त परिचय आ अपन स्कैन कएल गेल फोटो पठेताह, से आशा करैत छी। रचनाक अंतमे टाइप रहय, जे ई रचना मौलिक अछि, आ पहिल प्रकाशनक हेतु विदेह (पाक्षिक) ई पत्रिकाकेँ देल जा रहल अछि। मेल प्राप्त होयबाक बाद यथासंभव शीघ्र ( सात दिनक भीतर) एकर प्रकाशनक अंकक सूचना देल जायत।  एहि ई पत्रिकाकेँ श्रीमति लक्ष्मी ठाकुर द्वारा मासक ०१ आ १५ तिथिकेँ ई प्रकाशित कएल जाइत अछि।

स्थायी स्तम्भ जेना मिथिला-रत्न, मिथिलाक खोज, विदेह पेटार आ सूचना-संपर्क-अन्वेषण सभ अंकमे समान अछि, ताहि हेतु ई सभ स्तम्भ सभ अंकमे नइ देल जाइत अछि, ई सभ स्तम्भ देखबा लेल क्लिक करू नीचाँ देल विदेहक 346म आ 347 म अंक, ऐ दुनू अंकमे सम्मिलित रूपेँ ई सभ स्तम्भ देल गेल अछि।

“विदेह” ई-पत्रिका: देवनागरी वर्सन

“विदेह” ई-पत्रिका: मिथिलाक्षर वर्सन

“विदेह” ई-पत्रिका: मैथिली-IPA वर्सन

“विदेह” ई-पत्रिका: मैथिली-ब्रेल वर्सन










VIDEHA:9:7:मैथिली : विदेह: पहिल बेर ब्रेलमे

3.  ⠇⠄⠝⠄/⠅⠁ ⠇⠄⠝⠄/⠅⠳ ⠇⠄⠝⠄/⠅⠽ ⠇⠄⠝⠄/ /⠇⠁/⠇⠽/⠇⠳

4.  ⠛⠄⠇/⠘⠁ ⠛⠄⠇/⠘⠽ ⠛⠄⠇/⠘⠳ ⠛⠄⠇

5.  ⠅⠗ ⠛⠄⠇⠱⠓/⠅⠗⠁ ⠛⠄⠇⠓/⠅⠗⠳ ⠛⠄⠇⠱⠓/⠅⠗⠽ ⠛⠄⠇⠱⠓

6.  ⠇⠻⠐⠗/⠙⠻⠐⠗                                             ⠇⠻⠽,⠙⠻⠽,⠇⠻⠐⠗,⠙⠻⠽

7.  ⠅⠗ ⠃⠇⠱/⠅⠗⠁ ⠃⠇⠱/ ⠅⠗⠽ ⠃⠇⠱                           ⠅⠗⠅ ⠃⠇⠱/ ⠃⠇⠱

8.  ⠃⠇⠱                                                   ⠧⠇⠱

9.  ⠂⠈⠬⠇                                                  ⠂⠊⠈⠛⠇

10. ⠈⠏⠗⠱⠽⠠                                                   ⠈⠏⠗⠱⠽⠓

11. ⠙⠂⠠⠨                                                    ⠙⠂⠨

12. ⠉⠇⠻ ⠛⠄⠇                                                 ⠉⠇ ⠛⠄⠇/⠉⠅⠇ ⠛⠄⠇

13. ⠙⠄⠇⠨⠻⠈⠝⠓                                                 ⠙⠄⠇⠅⠻⠈⠝⠓, ⠙⠄⠇⠨⠻⠝

14. ⠙⠄⠨⠇⠈⠝⠓⠻                                                ⠙⠄⠨⠇⠝⠻/ ⠙⠄⠨⠇⠅⠈⠝⠓

15. ⠡⠹⠻⠈⠝⠓/ ⠡⠇⠈⠝⠓⠻                                      ⠡⠹⠻⠝/ ⠡⠇⠅⠝/ ⠡⠇⠝⠻

16. ⠉⠇⠅⠞/⠙⠅⠞                                                 ⠉⠇⠞⠻/⠙⠅⠞⠻

17. ⠳⠨⠝⠇                                                    ⠐⠗⠨⠝⠇

18. ⠃⠐⠻⠈⠝⠓⠻                                                     ⠃⠿⠈⠝⠓⠻

19. /⠌⠁(⠎⠈⠗⠧⠝⠱⠍)                                           

20.   (⠎⠊⠽⠇⠚⠅)                                               /⠌⠁

21. ⠖⠱⠌⠛⠻/⠖⠱⠈⠬⠛⠻                                                 ⠖⠱⠜⠊⠛/⠖⠱⠜⠬

22. ⠚⠄                                                        ⠚⠄/⠚⠄⠁

23. ⠝⠱-⠝⠂⠅⠂⠗                                                   ⠝⠱-⠝⠂⠅⠗

24. ⠅⠄⠇⠈⠝⠓⠻/⠅⠳⠇⠈⠝⠓⠻/⠅⠽⠇⠈⠝⠓⠻

25. ⠞⠨⠝ ⠞⠌                                                     ⠞⠨⠝⠞⠌

26. ⠚⠱ ⠗⠓⠇/⠚⠱⠽ ⠗⠓⠇/⠚⠱⠳ ⠗⠓⠇

27. ⠝⠻⠅⠇⠽/⠝⠻⠅⠇⠳ ⠇⠱⠛⠇  ⠃⠓⠗⠱⠽/⠃⠓⠗⠱⠳ ⠇⠱⠛⠇                                  ⠝⠻⠅⠇/⠃⠓⠗⠅ ⠇⠱⠛⠇

28. ⠌⠞⠽/⠚⠞⠽                                      ⠚⠞/⠌⠞/⠚⠞⠳/⠌⠞⠳

29. ⠅⠻ ⠖⠃ड़ ⠚⠄                                               ⠅⠻ ⠖⠃ड़ ⠚⠄

30. ⠚⠄                                                        ⠚⠄/⠚⠄⠁

31. ⠅⠃⠙⠻/⠽⠱⠙⠻(⠍⠇⠝ ⠏⠱⠗⠃)                                ⠅⠃⠜⠙/⠽⠱⠜⠙/⠅⠃⠙/⠽⠱⠙

32. ⠜⠓⠇/⠌⠓⠇                                   

33. ⠓⠌⠎⠳/⠓⠌⠎⠽                                                   ⠓⠌⠎

34. ⠝⠉ ⠂⠅⠻ ⠙⠎/⠝⠉ ⠅⠻⠊⠧⠱ ⠙⠎/⠝⠉ ⠧⠱ ⠙⠎

35. ⠎⠱⠎⠂-⠎⠎⠂⠗                                                   ⠎⠱⠎-⠎⠎⠂⠗

36. ⠡⠓/⠎⠱⠞                                                     /⠡⠠/⠎⠱⠞

37. ⠅⠻                                          ⠅⠻/⠅⠻⠁(⠙⠻⠈⠗⠣⠻⠅⠱⠗⠱⠈⠝⠞⠍⠄ ⠧⠈⠗⠚⠻⠞)

38. ⠚⠃⠱⠃                                                          ⠚⠧⠱⠃

39. ⠅⠗⠳⠞⠱⠓/⠅⠗⠽⠞⠱⠓                                                  ⠅⠗⠄⠞⠱⠓

40. ⠙⠇⠱⠝ ⠙⠻⠩⠻                                                    ⠙⠇⠱⠝ ⠙⠻⠩

41. ⠛⠄⠇⠱⠓                                                           ⠛⠳⠇⠱⠓/⠛⠽⠇⠱⠓

42. ⠅⠻⠡⠂ ⠂⠗                                                        ⠅⠻⠡⠂ ⠕⠗

43. ⠚⠱⠜⠞ ⠡⠇                                            ⠚⠱⠞⠻ ⠡⠇/⠚⠅⠞ ⠡⠇

44. ⠏⠓⠂⠌⠉⠻/⠘⠄⠾⠻ ⠚⠱⠜⠞ ⠡⠇                                  ⠏⠓⠂⠌⠉/⠘⠄⠾ ⠚⠱⠜⠞ ⠡⠇

45. ⠚⠃⠱⠝(⠽⠂⠧⠱)/⠚⠧⠱⠝(⠖⠉⠚⠻)

46. ⠇⠽/⠇⠳ /⠅⠁

47. /⠇⠁ ⠅⠽/⠅⠳

48. ⠳⠨⠝/⠐⠗⠨⠝⠄                                                    ⠐⠗⠨⠝/⠳⠨⠝⠄

49. ⠐⠗⠓⠻⠊⠅⠄⠌                                                            ⠐⠗⠓⠻⠌⠅⠄⠌

50. ⠛⠓⠻⠊⠗                                                            ⠛⠓⠻⠌⠗

51. ⠮⠱⠗ ⠏⠱⠗ ⠅⠄⠝⠱⠜                                     ⠮⠱⠗ ⠏⠱⠗ ⠅⠄⠝⠱⠽/⠅⠄⠝⠱⠳

52. ⠚⠄⠅⠱⠌                                                         ⠚⠄⠌⠅⠱⠌/⠚⠅⠱⠌

53. ⠞⠓⠻⠝⠱                                                        ⠞⠄⠓⠻⠝⠱

54. ⠳⠅⠗                                                         ⠐⠗⠅⠗

55. ⠃⠓⠻⠝⠔                                                     ⠃⠓⠝⠇⠜

56. ⠃⠓⠻⠝                                                        ⠃⠓⠻⠝⠻

57. ⠃⠓⠻⠝⠻-⠃⠓⠻⠝⠇⠜                                                 ⠃⠓⠻⠝-⠃⠓⠝⠔

58. ⠝⠓⠻/⠝⠅

59. ⠅⠗⠃⠱/⠅⠗⠃⠱⠽/⠅⠗⠃⠱⠳

60. /                                                       ⠞⠽/⠞⠳

61. ⠘⠱⠽                                                         ⠘⠅

62. ⠘⠱⠌⠽                                                                        

63. ⠽⠱⠧⠞                                                       ⠚⠱⠧⠞

64. ⠍⠱⠽                                                         ⠍⠅

65. ⠙⠄⠈⠝⠓⠻/⠙⠳⠈⠝⠓⠻/⠙⠽⠈⠝⠓⠻                                           ⠙⠈⠝⠓⠻/⠙⠅⠈⠝⠓⠻

66. / /⠙⠳

⠅⠻⠡⠂ ⠂⠗ ⠩⠈⠃⠙

⠍⠱⠝⠅ ⠍⠅⠹⠻⠇⠻_

⠞⠅⠱ ⠅⠳ ⠞⠅⠱⠽  ⠞⠅⠱⠳

⠏⠅⠗⠄ (on foot) ⠏⠳⠗⠄

⠞⠱⠓⠂⠍⠄  ⠞⠱⠓⠃⠍⠄


⠃⠚⠱ ⠅⠽/ ⠅⠳



⠙⠻⠝⠂⠅⠱ ⠙⠻⠝⠅⠱


⠛⠗⠃⠌⠇⠈⠝⠓⠻  ⠛⠗⠃⠄⠇⠈⠝⠓⠻

⠃⠱⠇⠂ ⠃⠱⠇⠃

⠉⠄⠈⠝⠓ ⠉⠻⠈⠝⠓(⠐⠗⠩⠂⠈⠙⠮)

⠚⠄         ⠚⠄

⠎⠄/ ⠅⠄     ⠎⠄/⠅⠄

⠳⠨⠂⠝⠅⠱     ⠐⠗⠨⠝⠂⠅⠱

⠘⠂⠍⠻⠓⠱⠗  ⠘⠃⠍⠻⠓⠱⠗

⠎⠂⠛⠗     ⠎⠃⠛⠗

⠴⠺⠓⠱⠅  ⠴⠾⠓⠱⠅


⠅⠗⠜⠽⠇/ ⠅⠗⠅⠽⠇

⠏⠂⠃⠱⠗⠻       ⠏⠂⠃⠱⠜

⠴⠛ड़-⠴⠱⠌⠾⠻   ⠴⠛ड़-⠴⠱⠌⠾⠻

⠏⠳⠗⠄-⠏⠳⠗⠄     ⠏⠅⠗⠄-⠏⠅⠗⠄

⠨⠄⠇⠳⠃⠱⠅     ⠨⠄⠇⠄⠃⠱⠅



⠓⠇⠳-  ⠓⠇

⠃⠂⠴⠇    ⠃⠃⠴⠇

⠃⠃⠴⠇ (⠎⠊⠃⠇⠮⠝ ⠐⠗⠈⠗⠹⠍⠄)

⠽⠅⠓   ⠽⠳⠓


⠐⠗⠽⠝⠱⠽- ⠐⠗⠽⠝⠱⠜

⠝⠻⠈⠝⠝-  ⠝⠻⠈⠝⠙

⠃⠻⠝⠂   ⠃⠻⠝

⠚⠱⠳  ⠚⠱⠜

⠚⠱⠜(in different sense)-last word of sentence

⠡⠞ ⠏⠗ ⠂⠃⠻ ⠚⠱⠜


⠨⠄⠇⠱⠳ (play) ⠨⠄⠇⠱⠜

⠩⠻⠅⠱⠜⠞- ⠩⠻⠅⠱⠽⠞

⠿⠏- ⠐⠻⠏

⠏⠐⠻- ⠏⠿

⠅⠝⠻⠳/ ⠅⠝⠻⠽⠄ ⠅⠝⠻⠒⠄

⠗⠱⠅⠎- ⠗⠱⠅⠩

⠓⠇⠳/ ⠓⠇⠽  ⠓⠇⠜

⠐⠗⠔⠗⠙⠱- ⠕⠗⠙⠱

⠃⠂⠴⠄⠇⠈⠝⠓⠻ (different meaning- got understand)

⠃⠂⠴⠳⠇⠈⠝⠓⠻/ ⠃⠂⠴⠽⠇⠈⠝⠓⠻ (understood himself)

⠉⠇⠻- ⠉⠇

⠨⠮⠱⠜- ⠨⠮⠱⠽

⠍⠇⠝ ⠏⠱ड़⠇⠨⠻⠈⠝⠓   ⠍⠇⠝ ⠏⠱⠗⠇⠨⠻⠈⠝⠓

⠅⠅⠅- ⠅⠳⠅- ⠅⠜⠳⠅



⠚⠗⠌⠝⠱⠜-  ⠚⠗⠳⠝⠱⠜/⠚⠗⠽⠝⠱⠜


ड़⠃⠄⠇⠈⠝⠓⠻/ ड़⠃⠌⠇⠈⠝⠓⠻

⠉⠻⠨⠅⠞- (to test)⠉⠻⠨⠜⠞

⠅⠗⠜⠽⠇(willing to do)  ⠅⠗⠅⠽⠇

⠚⠄⠅⠗⠱-  ⠚⠅⠗⠱

⠞⠅⠗⠱-  ⠞⠄⠅⠗⠱

⠃⠻⠙⠄⠎⠗ ⠈⠎⠹⠱⠝⠄⠍⠄/ ⠃⠻⠙⠄⠎⠗⠄ ⠈⠎⠹⠱⠝⠍⠄

⠅⠗⠃⠽⠇⠓⠂⠌/ ⠅⠗⠃⠳⠇⠓⠂⠌/⠅⠗⠃⠄⠇⠓⠂⠌

⠓⠱⠗⠻⠅ (⠔⠈⠉⠉⠱⠗⠼ ⠓⠱⠜⠗⠅)

⠌⠚⠝    ⠧⠚⠝

⠂⠮⠄ ⠘⠱⠛/ ⠂⠮-⠘⠱⠛⠄

⠏⠻⠉⠱/ ⠏⠻⠉⠱⠽/⠏⠻⠉⠱⠳

⠝⠒/ ⠝⠄

⠃⠈⠉⠉⠱ ⠝⠒ (⠝⠄) ⠏⠻⠉⠱ ⠚⠱⠽

⠞⠨⠝ ⠝⠄ (⠝⠒) ⠅⠓⠅⠞ ⠐⠗⠡⠻⠲

⠅⠞⠄⠅ ⠛⠇⠾⠄/ ⠅⠞⠱⠅ ⠛⠇⠾⠄

⠅⠍⠱⠜- ⠮⠍⠱⠜  ⠅⠍⠱⠊- ⠮⠍⠱⠊


⠨⠄⠇⠱⠜ (for playing)

⠡⠹⠻⠈⠝⠓  ⠡⠹⠻⠝

⠓⠇⠜⠞  ⠓⠇⠜

⠈⠅⠽⠇   ⠅⠻⠽⠇

⠅⠄⠩ (hair)

⠅⠄⠎  (court-case)

⠃⠝⠝⠱⠜/ ⠃⠝⠝⠱⠽/ ⠃⠝⠝⠱⠳


⠅⠂⠗⠎⠻  ⠅⠂⠈⠗⠎⠻

⠉⠗⠉⠱   ⠉⠈⠗⠉⠱

⠅⠈⠗⠍     ⠅⠗⠍

⠫⠂⠃⠱⠃⠽/ ⠫⠂⠍⠱⠃⠽

⠳⠨⠂⠝⠅⠱/ ⠐⠗⠨⠂⠝⠅⠱

⠇⠽ (⠧⠱⠈⠅⠽⠅ ⠐⠗⠞⠻⠍ ⠩⠈⠃⠙)-

⠅⠳⠇⠅   ⠅⠄⠇⠅

⠛⠗⠍⠻    ⠛⠈⠗⠍⠻

⠃⠗⠙⠻      ⠧⠈⠗⠙⠻

⠎⠂⠝⠱ ⠛⠄⠇⠱⠓  ⠎⠂⠝⠱/⠎⠂⠝⠱⠁


⠞⠄⠝⠱⠝⠄ ⠣⠄⠗⠇⠈⠝⠓⠻


⠫⠗⠇   ⠗⠇

⠅⠞⠓⠂-  ⠅⠓⠻⠊

⠔⠍⠗⠻⠛⠗- ⠔⠍⠗⠛⠗


⠮⠇⠇/⠮⠇⠐⠗⠇ ⠮⠇⠳⠇


⠅⠄  ⠅⠄

⠙⠗⠃⠈⠚⠚⠱/ ⠙⠗⠃⠚⠱


⠮⠗⠻  ⠞⠅

⠣⠃⠗⠻   ⠇⠉⠾⠻



⠞⠇⠌/ ⠞⠃⠌

⠞⠇⠌⠓⠻( ⠏⠈⠙⠽⠍⠄ ⠈⠛⠗⠱⠈⠓⠽)


⠅⠗⠃⠱⠜⠳   ⠅⠗⠃⠱⠜⠽⠄


⠅⠗⠻⠞⠹⠻   ⠅⠗⠞⠹⠻

⠏⠓⠂⠌⠉⠻  ⠏⠓⠂⠌⠉

⠗⠱⠨⠇⠈⠝⠓⠻  ⠗⠨⠇⠈⠝⠓⠻

⠇⠛⠇⠈⠝⠓⠻  ⠇⠱⠛⠇⠈⠝⠓⠻

⠎⠂⠝⠻ (⠔⠈⠉⠉⠱⠗⠼ ⠎⠂⠜⠝)

⠐⠗⠡⠻ (⠔⠈⠉⠉⠱⠗⠼ ⠐⠗⠜⠡)

⠳⠇⠹⠻  ⠛⠄⠇⠹⠻

⠃⠻⠞⠌⠝⠄   ⠃⠻⠞⠄⠝⠄

⠅⠗⠃⠌⠇⠈⠝⠓⠻/ ⠅⠗⠄⠇⠨⠻⠈⠝⠓


⠂⠅⠻   ⠅⠻

⠏⠓⠂⠌⠉⠻ ⠏⠓⠂⠌⠉

⠚⠗⠱⠽/ ⠚⠗⠱⠳  ⠚⠗⠱ (⠂⠛⠻ ⠇⠛⠱)

⠎⠄  ⠎⠄

⠓⠱⠌ ⠍⠄ ⠓⠱⠌   (⠓⠱⠌⠍⠄ ⠓⠱⠌ ⠧⠻⠘⠈⠅⠈⠞⠞⠻⠍⠄ ⠓⠾⠱ ⠅⠳)

⠖⠄⠇ ⠖⠅⠇

⠖⠜⠇(spacious)   ⠖⠅⠇

⠓⠇⠽⠞⠈⠝⠓⠻/ ⠓⠇⠳⠞⠈⠝⠓⠻  ⠓⠄⠞⠈⠝⠓⠻

⠓⠱⠹ ⠍⠾⠻⠂⠽⠃/ ⠓⠱⠹ ⠍⠾⠻⠽⠱⠃⠽

⠖⠄⠅⠱  ⠖⠄⠊⠅⠱

⠙⠄⠨⠱⠳  ⠙⠄⠨⠱

⠙⠄⠨⠱⠽   ⠙⠄⠨⠱

⠎⠈⠞⠞⠗⠻   ⠎⠈⠞⠞⠗

⠎⠱⠓⠄⠃    ⠎⠱⠓⠃



⠏⠇⠎⠏⠂⠞ ⠅⠹⠱ ⠎⠊⠈⠛⠗⠓ ⠈⠩⠗⠻ ⠎⠊⠞⠇⠯ ⠅⠂⠍⠱⠗ ⠍⠻⠈⠩⠗, ⠍⠻⠹⠻⠇⠱ (⠝⠄⠏⠱⠇)

 ⠍⠻⠹⠻⠇⠱⠈⠅⠯⠗⠍⠄ ⠈⠏⠗⠅⠱⠩⠻⠞ ⠈⠏⠗⠹⠍ 21 ⠎⠙⠻⠅ ⠍⠅⠹⠻⠇⠻ ⠏⠇⠹⠻⠲


⠎⠍⠻⠈⠅⠯⠱- ⠛⠚⠄⠈⠝⠈⠙⠗ ⠺⠱⠅⠂⠗.


⠏⠇⠹⠻ ⠎⠍⠻⠈⠅⠯⠱


⠎⠈⠝⠞⠇⠯ ⠅⠂⠍⠱⠗ ⠍⠻⠈⠩⠗ ⠅⠄⠗ ⠅⠹⠱ ⠎⠊⠈⠛⠗⠓ ⠏⠇⠎⠏⠂⠞ ⠈⠏⠗⠱⠈⠏⠞ ⠘⠄⠇ ⠐⠗⠡⠻⠲ ⠝⠄⠏⠱⠇⠅ ⠳⠓⠻ ⠅⠹⠱⠅⠱⠗⠅ ⠎⠱⠞ ⠛⠇⠾ ⠅⠹⠱ ⠏⠇⠎⠏⠂⠞, ⠳⠅⠾⠱ ⠈⠃⠽⠹⠱ ⠏⠈⠞⠗⠍⠄, ⠚⠨⠝ ⠅⠝⠻⠒⠱ ⠘⠄⠇⠨⠻⠝ ⠃⠻⠍⠱⠗, ⠎⠻⠏⠱⠓⠻, ⠫⠱⠈⠅⠾⠗, ⠘⠱⠈⠛⠽ ⠐⠗⠈⠏⠏⠝-⠐⠗⠈⠏⠏⠝ ⠙⠱⠛ ⠳⠓⠻⠍⠄ ⠎⠈⠍⠍⠻⠇⠻⠞ ⠐⠗⠡⠻⠲ ⠅⠹⠱⠧⠈⠎⠞⠂ ⠈⠏⠗⠈⠎⠞⠂⠞ ⠅⠗⠃⠱⠎⠌ ⠏⠓⠻⠝⠄ ⠳⠅⠗ ⠐⠗⠈⠝⠽ ⠏⠈⠅⠯ ⠏⠗ ⠉⠈⠗⠉ ⠅⠗⠃ ⠂⠧⠈⠩⠽⠅⠲


⠏⠓⠻⠇ ⠛⠏ ⠚⠄ ⠳⠓⠻ ⠏⠂⠈⠎⠞⠅⠅ ⠎⠍⠻⠈⠅⠯⠱⠎⠌ ⠳⠅⠗ ⠈⠏⠗⠱⠗⠈⠍⠘ ⠘⠄⠇ ⠐⠗⠡⠻⠲ ⠈⠩⠗⠻ ⠅⠱⠇⠻⠅⠱⠈⠝⠞ ⠞⠍⠯⠻⠞, ⠙⠄⠏⠂⠗⠱ ⠗⠂⠏⠅⠺⠱, ⠚⠝⠅⠏⠂⠗ ⠳⠅⠗ ⠎⠱⠊⠛⠇⠏⠱⠊⠛ ⠎⠍⠻⠈⠅⠯⠱ ⠅⠳⠇⠈⠝⠓⠻ ⠐⠗⠡⠻, ⠅⠹⠱⠅⠱⠗⠅ ⠔⠈⠉⠉ ⠍⠱⠝⠎⠻⠅⠞⠱ ⠐⠗⠡⠻ ⠚⠄ ⠳⠓⠻ ⠎⠍⠻⠈⠅⠯⠱⠅⠄⠌ ⠔⠉⠻⠞ ⠗⠃⠏⠍⠄ ⠇⠄⠇⠈⠝⠓⠻, ⠅⠱⠗⠼ ⠚⠉⠌ ⠎⠄ ⠝⠓⠻ ⠗⠓⠅⠞ ⠞⠌ ⠳⠅⠗ ⠳⠓⠻ ⠗⠃⠏⠍⠄ ⠈⠎⠹⠱⠝ ⠏⠇⠹⠻⠍⠄ ⠝⠓⠻ ⠘⠄⠾⠅⠞⠲


⠙⠇⠎⠗ ⠛⠏ ⠚⠄ ⠏⠇⠹⠻ ⠳⠅ ⠙⠻⠩⠻⠎⠌ ⠙⠄⠨⠇⠱ ⠔⠈⠞⠞⠗ ⠙⠄⠧⠝⠱⠛⠗⠻⠍⠄ ⠙⠇⠎⠗ ⠙⠻⠩⠻⠎⠌ ⠙⠄⠨⠇⠱ ⠔⠈⠞⠞⠗ ⠍⠻⠹⠻⠇⠱⠈⠅⠯⠗⠍⠄ ⠇⠻⠨⠇ ⠃⠂⠴⠻ ड़⠅⠞ ⠐⠗⠡⠻ ⠎⠄ ⠐⠗⠡⠻⠽⠇⠲ 21 ⠩⠞⠱⠈⠃⠙⠻⠅ ⠈⠏⠗⠱⠽⠠ ⠳⠓⠻ ⠞⠗⠓⠅ ⠈⠏⠗⠹⠍ ⠈⠏⠗⠽⠱⠎ ⠐⠗⠡⠻, ⠚⠄ ⠍⠅⠹⠻⠇⠻⠍⠄ ⠙⠄⠨⠃⠱⠍⠄ ⠂⠳⠇ ⠐⠗⠡⠻⠲


⠂⠃ ⠏⠓⠻⠝⠄ ⠞⠍⠯⠻⠞ ⠚⠻⠅ ⠎⠍⠱⠇⠇⠉⠝⠱ ⠙⠄⠨⠅⠞ ⠡⠻⠲ ⠇⠻⠨⠅⠞ ⠡⠹⠻, ⠚⠄ ⠅⠹⠱⠅⠱⠗⠅ ⠅⠹⠱⠍⠄ ⠏⠇⠱⠽⠝⠧⠱⠙⠻ ⠎⠇⠉⠅ ⠈⠏⠗⠮⠱⠝⠞⠱ ⠗⠓⠅⠞ ⠐⠗⠡⠻, ⠎⠊⠛⠓⠻ ⠊⠓⠇ ⠛⠏ ⠔⠺⠃⠅⠞ ⠡⠹⠻ ⠚⠄ ⠎⠱⠓⠻⠈⠞⠽ ⠎⠍⠈⠯⠾⠱⠅⠄⠌ ⠞⠾⠈⠎⠹ ⠈⠏⠗⠈⠎⠞⠇⠞⠱ ⠓⠇⠽⠃⠱⠅ ⠉⠱⠓⠻ ⠂⠅⠻ ⠏⠹ ⠈⠏⠗⠙⠈⠗⠩⠅, ⠏⠇⠱⠽⠝⠧⠱⠙⠄ ⠓⠇⠽⠃⠱⠅ ⠉⠱⠓⠻ ⠂⠅⠻ ⠎⠊⠣⠈⠗⠯⠅ ⠈⠏⠗⠄⠗⠼⠱⠈⠩⠗⠇⠞?

⠏⠇⠎⠏⠂⠞ ⠧⠻⠯⠽⠍⠄ ⠞⠍⠯⠻⠞ ⠚⠻ ⠅⠓⠅⠞ ⠡⠹⠻, ⠚⠄ ⠳⠓⠻⠍⠄ ⠞⠻⠝⠏⠂⠈⠎⠞⠅ ⠧⠈⠗⠼⠝ ⠐⠗⠡⠻, ⠗⠱⠚⠱ ⠍⠓⠄⠈⠝⠈⠙⠗ ⠗⠱⠚⠱ ⠈⠞⠗⠻⠘⠂⠧⠝⠅ ⠎⠍⠽⠍⠄ ⠘⠄⠇ ⠣⠾⠝⠱⠅ ⠧⠈⠗⠼⠝ ⠚⠇ड़⠃⠱⠅ ⠐⠗⠘⠻⠈⠏⠗⠱⠽ ⠈⠎⠏⠈⠯⠾ ⠝⠓⠻ ⠐⠗⠡⠻⠲

⠳⠅⠾⠱ ⠈⠧⠽⠹⠱ ⠏⠈⠞⠗⠍⠄ ⠅⠄⠗ ⠧⠻⠯⠽⠍⠄ ⠪⠯⠻⠞ ⠅⠓⠅⠞ ⠡⠹⠻ ⠚⠄ ⠅⠱⠇⠅  ⠛⠞⠻ , ⠇⠇⠅⠅ ⠧⠻⠧⠩⠞⠱ ⠐⠗⠝⠂⠘⠃⠞⠻⠅ ⠧⠈⠗⠼⠝ ⠐⠗⠡⠻ ⠳⠓⠻⠍⠄⠲

⠞⠄⠎⠗ ⠅⠹⠱ ⠚⠨⠝ ⠅⠝⠻⠒⠱ ⠘⠄⠇⠨⠻⠝ ⠃⠻⠍⠱⠗ ⠅⠄⠌ ⠞⠍⠯⠻⠞ ⠚⠻ ⠃⠻⠍⠱⠗ ⠅⠹⠱ ⠣⠇⠯⠻⠞ ⠅⠗⠅⠞ ⠡⠹⠻⠲

⠎⠻⠏⠱⠓⠻ ⠅⠹⠱⠍⠄ ⠌⠓⠻ ⠏⠙⠅ ⠧⠻⠧⠗⠼ ⠐⠗⠡⠻ ⠚⠄ ⠧⠻⠧⠱⠓ ⠙⠱⠝⠍⠄ ⠈⠏⠗⠱⠹⠍⠻⠅⠞⠱ ⠏⠃⠅⠞ ⠡⠇ ⠂⠃ ⠈⠞⠽⠱⠈⠚⠽ ⠛⠄⠇ ⠐⠗⠡⠻⠲


⠫⠭⠈⠅⠾⠗ ⠅⠹⠱⠅⠄⠌ ⠞⠍⠯⠻⠞⠚⠻ ⠏⠇⠱⠽⠝⠧⠱⠙⠻ ⠎⠇⠉⠅ ⠏⠗⠱⠅⠱⠈⠯⠺⠱ ⠅⠓⠅⠞ ⠡⠹⠻⠲ ⠞⠍⠯⠻⠞⠚⠻⠅ ⠧⠻⠉⠱⠗⠄⠌ ⠫⠭⠈⠅⠾⠗⠅⠄⠌ ⠍⠗⠅⠞ ⠙⠍ ⠞⠅ ⠗⠇⠛⠻⠅⠄⠌ ⠃⠉⠄⠃⠱⠅ ⠈⠏⠗⠽⠱⠎ ⠅⠗⠃⠱⠅ ⠉⠱⠓⠻⠲

⠘⠱⠈⠛⠽ ⠐⠗⠏⠝ ⠐⠗⠏⠝ ⠘⠱⠈⠛⠽ ⠉⠈⠅⠗ ⠏⠗ ⠂⠮⠱⠗⠻⠞ ⠐⠗⠡⠻⠲ ⠙⠱⠛⠍⠄ ⠈⠅⠯⠼⠻⠅ ⠂⠧⠄⠩⠍⠄ ⠔⠺⠱⠌⠇ ⠛⠄⠇ ⠫⠄⠛, ⠐⠗⠏⠗⠻⠏⠈⠅⠧ ⠔⠈⠍⠗⠍⠄ ⠘⠄⠇ ⠈⠏⠗⠄⠍⠧⠻⠧⠱⠓ ⠖⠄⠗ ⠞⠅⠗⠱ ⠃⠱⠙ ⠙⠇⠎⠗⠱⠅ ⠎⠊⠛ ⠘⠱⠛⠻ ⠚⠱⠽⠃ ⠎⠘ ⠏⠹⠈⠘⠗⠈⠯⠾⠞⠱⠅ ⠈⠏⠗⠞⠻⠅ ⠐⠗⠡⠻⠲

⠏⠇⠎⠏⠂⠞ ⠂⠈⠞⠍⠅⠹⠱⠈⠞⠍⠅ ⠩⠅⠇⠻⠍⠄ ⠇⠻⠨⠇ ⠛⠄⠇ ⠐⠗⠡⠻, ⠍⠂⠙⠱ ⠳⠅⠗ ⠎⠍⠱⠏⠝ ⠐⠗⠅⠈⠎⠍⠱⠈⠞ ⠓⠇⠜⠞ ⠐⠗⠡⠻, ⠏⠇⠎⠏⠂⠞⠅ ⠅⠻⠗⠙⠱⠝⠻⠎⠌ ⠍⠱⠽⠅ ⠝⠅⠓⠗⠻ ⠚⠳⠃⠱⠎⠌⠲

⠙⠇⠎⠗ ⠅⠹⠱ ⠏⠈⠞⠗ ⠩⠅⠇⠻⠍⠄ ⠐⠗⠡⠻, ⠚⠞⠽ ⠏⠇⠈⠎⠏⠂⠞ ⠅⠹⠱ ⠚⠄⠅⠱⠌ ⠏⠱⠈⠞⠗ ⠎⠊⠞⠇⠯ ⠡⠹⠻⠲ ⠳⠓⠻ ⠅⠹⠱⠅ ⠎⠍⠱⠏⠝ ⠎⠄⠓⠇ ⠃⠈⠫⠫ ड़ड़⠻⠍⠄ ⠘⠄⠇ ⠐⠗⠡⠻, ⠣⠾⠝⠱⠅ ⠞⠱⠗⠞⠈⠍⠽ ⠇⠄⠨⠅⠎⠌ ⠏⠱⠺⠅ ⠮⠗⠻ ⠝⠓⠻ ⠏⠓⠂⠌⠉⠻ ⠎⠅⠇⠲

⠌⠓⠻⠝⠱ ⠚⠨⠝ ⠅⠝⠻⠒⠱ ⠘⠄⠇⠨⠻⠝ ⠃⠻⠍⠱⠗⠍⠄ ⠇⠄⠨⠅ ⠐⠗⠏⠝ ⠅⠈⠹⠽ ⠈⠎⠏⠈⠯⠾ ⠝⠓⠻ ⠅⠳ ⠎⠅⠇⠱⠓⠲

⠎⠻⠏⠱⠓⠻ ⠅⠹⠱⠍⠄ ⠎⠄⠓⠇ ⠏⠱⠈⠞⠗⠅ ⠝⠱⠍ ⠎⠊⠞⠇⠯ ⠡⠈⠝⠓⠻, ⠍⠂⠙⠱ ⠅⠈⠹⠽ ⠂⠈⠞⠍⠅⠹⠱⠈⠞⠍⠅ ⠝⠓⠻ ⠐⠗⠡⠻⠲ ⠫⠭⠈⠅⠾⠗⠅⠄⠌ ⠙⠄⠩⠍⠄ ⠎⠄⠧⠱ ⠅⠗⠃⠱⠅ ⠏⠂⠗⠈⠎⠅⠱⠗ ⠘⠄⠾⠇⠅⠅ ⠈⠏⠗⠍⠱⠼-⠏⠈⠞⠗⠅ ⠗⠈⠙⠙ ⠓⠇⠽⠃ ⠎⠄ ⠌⠅⠗⠱ ⠓⠄⠞⠂ ⠈⠏⠗⠱⠼⠣⠱⠞⠅ ⠎⠻⠈⠙⠮ ⠘⠄⠇⠲⠘⠱⠈⠛⠽ ⠐⠗⠏⠝-⠐⠗⠏⠝ ⠏⠂⠗⠱⠝ ⠨⠻⠈⠎⠎⠱ ⠅⠓⠃⠱⠅ ⠩⠅⠇⠻⠍⠄ ⠐⠗⠡⠻, ⠚⠄ ⠗⠱⠚⠱ ⠙⠄⠩⠍⠄ ⠎⠈⠗⠧⠄⠈⠅⠯⠼ ⠅⠗⠳⠃⠱⠅ ⠓⠄⠞⠂ ⠗⠱⠚⠅⠂⠍⠱⠗⠅⠄⠌ ⠏⠺⠃⠅⠞ ⠡⠹⠻ ⠅⠹ ⠝⠻⠅ ⠃⠝⠻ ड़ ⠐⠗⠡⠻⠲ ⠙⠱⠛ ⠅⠹⠱ ⠅⠹⠱⠈⠞⠍⠅ ⠐⠗⠡⠻ ड़ड़⠻⠍⠄ ⠇⠻⠨⠇ ⠘⠱⠯⠻⠞ ⠓⠇⠜⠞ ⠐⠗⠡⠻⠲


⠳⠓⠻ ⠅⠹⠱ ⠎⠊⠈⠛⠗⠓⠅⠄⠌ ⠞⠍⠯⠻⠞ ⠚⠻ ⠎⠍⠻⠈⠅⠯⠱⠅ ⠎⠊⠛ ⠘⠱⠯⠱⠽⠻ ⠗⠃⠏⠎⠌ ⠎⠊⠏⠱⠙⠻⠞ ⠝⠓⠻ ⠅⠳⠇⠈⠝⠓⠻, ⠅⠱⠗⠼ ⠳⠓⠻⠍⠄ ⠍⠱⠝⠅⠞⠱⠅ ⠐⠗⠘⠱⠧ ⠐⠗⠡⠻⠲ ⠈⠏⠗⠃⠖ ⠗⠻⠫⠻⠊⠛ ⠎⠄⠓⠇ ⠝⠻⠅ ⠚⠄⠌⠅⠱ ⠝⠓⠻ ⠘⠄⠇ ⠐⠗⠡⠻⠲ ⠍⠱⠝⠅⠞⠱⠅ ⠓⠄⠞⠂ ⠧⠻⠙⠄⠓ ⠍⠻⠹⠻⠇⠱ ⠍⠊⠹⠝⠎⠌ ⠈⠏⠗⠽⠱⠎ ⠩⠂⠗⠃ ⠘⠄⠇ ⠐⠗⠡⠻, ⠧⠻⠙⠄⠓⠅ ⠗⠉⠝⠱ ⠇⠄⠨⠝ ⠈⠎⠞⠊⠘⠍⠄ ⠳⠅⠗⠱ ⠈⠎⠹⠱⠝ ⠙⠄⠇ ⠛⠄⠇ ⠐⠗⠡⠻⠲⠅⠄⠈⠝⠈⠙⠗⠻⠽ ⠘⠱⠗⠞⠻⠽ ⠘⠱⠯⠱ ⠎⠊⠈⠎⠹⠱⠝, ⠍⠅⠎⠃⠗ ⠈⠙⠧⠱⠗⠱ ⠎⠄⠓⠇ ⠍⠅⠹⠻⠇⠻ ⠈⠎⠾⠱⠜⠇ ⠍⠅⠝⠂⠐⠗⠇⠅ ⠝⠻⠈⠗⠍⠱⠼ ⠗⠓⠇ ⠐⠗⠡⠻, ⠂⠧⠈⠩⠽⠅⠞⠱ ⠐⠗⠡⠻, ⠚⠄ ⠝⠄⠏⠱⠇⠅ ⠧⠻⠈⠙⠧⠱⠝ ⠇⠇⠅⠝⠻ ⠎⠄⠓⠇ ⠐⠗⠏⠝ ⠍⠞ ⠍⠅⠹⠻⠇⠻ ⠐⠗⠅⠱⠙⠍⠻⠅ ⠍⠱⠝⠅ ⠝⠻⠈⠗⠮⠱⠗⠼ ⠩⠅⠇⠻⠅ ⠂⠮⠱⠗ ⠏⠗ ⠃⠝⠱⠌⠇ ⠚⠱ ⠗⠓⠇ ⠩⠅⠇⠻ ⠏⠗ ⠙⠄⠹⠻, ⠚⠱⠓⠻⠎⠌ ⠎⠈⠗⠧⠈⠛⠗⠱⠈⠓⠽ ⠓⠇⠳⠲






The period of Janaka dynasty and the Vajjian Republic are mutually exclusive. After the death of Karala Janaka it turned into a republic and became, one of the eight constituent clans of the Vajjian Confederacy , which was later destroyed by King Ajatasatru of Magadha.Videha continued to be a monarchy even after the death of Karala Janaka and this kingdom was conquered by Mahapadma Nanda and annexed to the growing Magadhan empire.Vrijis, or any two together might be called Vrijis, as well as Samvrijis  or the "United Vrijis".The criminals were arraigned before the atllinkula  "eight clans",  a jury composed of one member from each of the separate divisions of the tribe.The name of SamVriji was a descriptive title of the whole nation of eight clans. Buddha observed that they were accustomed to hold frequent meet¬ings, to act in concert, and to uphold the ancient Vajji an institution.The ancient cities in this connection are Vaisali, Kesariya, Janakpur, Navadgarh, Siihrun, Darbhanga, Purnea and Motihari. besides Alakappo (somewhere in the neighbourhood of the Gandak) inhabited by the Balaya. It has nothing to do with the eight clans of the Vajjian Republic. The earliest champion of the republics which flourished at the time of the Buddha. were-  the old Videhas, the Lichhavis, the Jnatrikas, the Vrijis proper, the Ugras, the Bhogas, the Aikshvakas and the Kauravas. The humorous remark of the Lalitavistara about the me mbers of the Licchavian Assembly and all being called raja is applicable to the Videhas.The Mahanarada-Kassapa .- the Videhas had a council of four.The Mahajanaka Jataka informs us that the senapati was to administer justice with the help of his chief judges.The Mahanarada  Kassapa Jataka also informs us that the king was assisted in the administration of justice by a council. Brahmanic tradition of Videha having been a kingdom and the Buddhist tradition of its being a republic with a king, chosen by the assembly. Out of these seven officers only four appear to be the public officers, the raja, uparaja, senapati and bhandagarika, while the others were apparently the personal servants and attendants of the king.Pingala, was  chosen to be the courtesan of the republic. According to the Gandhara Jataka, Videha had 16000 villages with filled storehouses, 16000 dancing girls. The existence of courtesans in a state cannot automatically make it a republican state.The Dipavamsa gives a legendary account of kings of some Indian States but it may contain some historical truth. It says that Kalara Janaka's son was Samarhkara who was followed by king Asoka, an inaugurated prince.The last of the kings of Champanagara was Nagadeva. Dipavamsa says that there were kings at Mithilanagara even after Kalara Janaka; twentyfive kings ruled at Mithilanagara, the last of them being valiant Buddhadatta, that the kingdom passed on to the master of Rajagriha -Palaliputra, i.e., Magadha.The Lalitavistara gives an interesting account of king Sumitra of the very charming city of Mithila. The king has a mighty army of elephants, horses, chariots and foot soldiers.He is rich in gold. The king is very old, unable to govern well his kingdom, and the parent of many children.Tibetan tradition says that a minister of King Virudhaka of Videha, named Sakala, was compelled to flee to Vaisali from his own country owing to the jealousy of the other ministers. The Gilgit Manuscripts where Khanda is the prime minister of an unnamed king of Videha . He was the head of 500 amatyas. Other ministers conspired to destroy him. "Where shall I go ? If I go to Sravasti, it is under a king, and so there would be the same troubles. So would be the case in Varanasi, Rajagriha and Champa which are all subject to the authority of one person (ekadhina). Vaisali is under a gana (ganadhina). What is desired by ten is disliked by twenty. So by all means I must go to Vaisali." Consequently he went to Vaisali where he was cor¬dially received by the republican Lichchhavis.

Between the compilation of the Puranas and the annihilation of Kshatriya states in India by Mahapadma Nanda there reigned among others 28 Maithilas ,i.e., 28 kings of Mithila. Thus Ajatasatru, who destroyed the Vajjian Republic, did not extirpate Mithila which continued to be a monarchy till the time of Mahapadma Nanda. 

The king of Avanti, a contemporary of the Buddha, informs his wife in the course of a conversation regarding their daughter's marriage that he is connected with the rulers of Magadha, Kasi, Vanga, Surashtra, Mithila and Surasena.  Buddhudatta

 is indicated as the last king of Mithilanagara. Unlike Mahaviat Budha did not pass any rainy season at Mithila. The Majjhima Nikaya relate two visits of the Buddha to the Videha country.

Buddha stayed with Ananda at the Makhadeva-Ambavana and preached the Afakhadera Sutta. The other relates to the conversion of Brahmayu, a Brahmana, foremost in Mithila in his knowledge of the Vedas. He was aged 120 years. He met the Buddha when the latter had come to Mithila and taken his residence in the Makhadeva¬ Ambavana and having found thirtytwo marks of a great man in him he was converted along with his pupil Uttara to the new faith. He entertained the Buddha and the monks for a week. His death occurred not long after. The conversion of a Brahmana like Brahmayu, well versed in the Vedas, Itihasa (history), Vyakarana (grammar) and Lokayata and endowed with all the marks of a great man, must have had tremendous influence upon the fortune of Buddhism in Videha in the time of the Buddha.

Dhaniyaa or Dhanika, a herds¬man living on the bank of the river Mahi. Mithila was considered fit by the Buddhists to have been associated with some of the previous Buddhas as well. Thus it is stated that in the time of Kopagamana Buddha Mithila was the capital of king Pabbata and the Buddha preached there on his visit to the city.Padumuttara Buddha preached his first sermon to his cousins, Devala and Sujata, in the park of Mithila" and later to Ananda (a Khattiya king of Harh.savati and father of Padumuttara Buddha) and his retinue in the same spot."


 Jyoti Jha Chaudhary, Date of Birth: December 30 1978,Place of Birth- Belhvar (Madhubani District), Education: Swami Vivekananda Middle School, Tisco Sakchi Girls High School, Mrs KMPM Inter College, IGNOU, ICWAI (COST ACCOUNTANCY); Residence- LONDON, UK; Father- Sh. Shubhankar Jha, Jamshedpur; Mother- Smt. Sudha Jha- Shivipatti.

Jyoti  received editor's choice award from www.poetry.com and her poems were featured in front page of www.poetrysoup.com for some period.



A Temple Beside The Pond

A temple beside the pond,

Surrounded with date trees;

And trees loaded with flowers,

Receiving cold cool breeze.

Coming across the acres of farmers land

From grove of mango trees,

To this holy peaceful place from home,

A narrow spiral way leads.

The pond itself adorned with lotuses,

Many water plants and weeds.

Halt for thirsty castles and tired villagers,

Pleasure of fishing and diving exceeds;

Fragrances of flowers and fireflies at night

Stand the place in good stead.


(c) 2008 ⠎⠈⠗⠧⠱⠮⠻⠅⠱⠗ ⠎⠂⠗⠈⠅⠯⠻⠞⠲ ⠧⠻⠙⠄⠓⠍⠄ ⠈⠏⠗⠅⠱⠩⠻⠞ ⠎⠘⠾⠱ ⠗⠉⠝⠱ ' ⠂⠈⠗⠅⠱⠜⠧⠅ ⠎⠈⠗⠧⠱⠮⠻⠅⠱⠗ ⠗⠉⠝⠱⠅⠱⠗ ' ⠎⠊⠈⠛⠗⠓⠅⠈⠗⠈⠞⠞⠱⠅ ⠇⠛⠍⠄ ⠡⠈⠝⠓⠻⠲ ⠗⠉⠝⠱⠅ ⠐⠗⠝⠂⠧⠱⠙ ' ⠏⠂⠝⠠ ⠈⠏⠗⠅⠱⠩⠝ ⠅⠻⠊⠧⠱ ⠂⠈⠗⠅⠱⠜⠧⠅ ⠔⠏⠽⠇⠛⠅ ⠐⠗⠮⠻⠅⠱⠗ ⠅⠻⠝⠃⠱⠅ ⠓⠄⠞⠂ ggajendra@videha.co.in ⠏⠗ ⠎⠊⠏⠈⠗⠅ ⠅⠗⠃⠲ ⠳⠓⠻ ⠎⠱⠜⠾⠅⠄⠌ ⠈⠏⠗⠻⠞⠻ ⠴⠱ ⠺⠱⠅⠂⠗, ⠍⠮⠃⠇⠻⠅⠱ ⠉⠉⠮⠗⠻ ' ⠗⠈⠩⠍⠻ ⠈⠏⠗⠻⠽⠱ ⠈⠙⠧⠱⠗⠱ ⠫⠻⠚⠱⠜⠝ ⠅⠳⠇ ⠛⠄⠇⠲




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